Pets need care during winter, too

Published 6:00 am Friday, December 13, 2002

They’re given plenty of attention throughout the year. As theircold noses press against window panes, dividing them from a warmhouse, it’s important not to forget animals in cold weather.

Now that the cold weather has struck the area, veterinarians arereminding pet owners and farmers to take a few extra precautionsthat can prevent unnecessary illnesses and deaths this year.

Veterinarians suggest several methods of keeping animals warmand protected against the elements, which can wreak havoc on petskept outdoors.

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“Extremely young puppies could actually freeze in the cold andolder dogs can get sick from being in the cold,” said Dr. DianneWatson, a veterinarian at Brookhaven Animal Hospital. “If bringingthem in is an option, that’s always best.”

However, many pets cannot be kept inside because they are toolarge and energetic, so pet owners must look for ways to protectthose animals as best possible.

A small confined area, such as a dog house or cardboard box, canbe used to block the wind. It should have some type of bedding,like straw, hay or old blankets in it. Pet owners should keep aneye on the condition of the dog house or cardboard box filled withfluffy warm materials.

“They need to check it frequently to make sure the bedding isdry, because a wet, soggy blanket isn’t going to help them at all,”said Dr. Linda Farris-Smith, a veterinarian at Animal HealthCenter.

Heating lamps and thermal heating pads that are chew proof andheat regulated can also be used to bring warmth to animals, butcaution should be used to avoid serious burns and hazardoussituations.

“You don’t want the heat lamp too close to them because it canburn them quickly,” said Watson, adding that a heat lamp could alsocatch fire to flammable objects too close to it.

A continuous flow of food and water also helps cats and dogskeep warm in the winter. Water and food bowls should be checked ona regular basis.

“One of the things that’s overlooked is the amount of energy ittakes to produce body heat, so they need to have plenty of food,”said Dr. Greg Howell of Animal Medical Center.

Pet owners should also keep a close eye on their pets’ waterbowl, which can often freeze leaving the animal at risk fordehydration.

Animals that are used to being walked on a regular basis cancontinue to be walked, but some caution is recommended.

“You don’t want to get them too hot,” Howell said. “The biggestproblem we see is taking house dogs from one extreme to another.They live in a 78 degree house and are taken out to 20 degreeweather.”

Larger animals, such as horses and cows, should also not beneglected during the coldest time of the year.

“Cattle need to have plenty of hay available for them because asthey digest the hay it generates body heat,” said Howell,mentioning that a clean water supply is also necessary.

Cows and horses should be well-protected from the wind withstructures like barns and tree groves.