City looks at new garbage solutions
Published 6:00 am Thursday, January 16, 2003
After earlier voting to discontinue commercial garbage pick upservice, Brookhaven aldermen are now studying other recommendationsto improve operations in the city’s sanitation department.
Following a special meeting last week, a three-aldermansubcommittee was given the task of developing recommendations toimprove employee performance in the sanitation department. Cityofficials met Wednesday in another special meeting to discuss therecommendations.
“Hopefully, we’ve got some ideas that will be helpful,” saidWard 6 Alderman John E. “Buddy” Allen, who serves on thesubcommittee with Ward 4 Alderman Bob Massengill and Ward 5Alderman Tom Smith.
Recommendations were not unveiled publicly Wednesday as theboard voted to go into executive session for personnel reasons.Subcommittee members said the recommendations included specificexamples of named employee activity and was therefore an executivesession matter.
Aldermen took no votes after the approximately 45-minute closeddoor discussion.
City Attorney Joe Fernald said the recommendations needed to bereworked slightly for board action. The attorney said therecommendations would be voted on at Tuesday’s regular meeting andwould be made public then.
Subcommittee members did not comment on the recommendationsafter the meeting. Prior to Wednesday’s meeting, Smith was alsohopeful their plan would accomplish its goal.
“We’re going to throw it out to the world,” Smith said. “That’sall you can do, good, bad or indifferent.”
The job performance action is the second focus area for thesubcommittee.
At the Dec. 17 board meeting, aldermen accepted a subcommitteerecommendation to discontinue commercial garbage service at the endof January. Officials cited a deficit in that area of solid wasteoperations.
Another recommendation approved was to require pine straw, yardclippings and similar items to be bagged and that tree limbs putout for disposal be no longer than three feet. Those regulationsare designed to improve trash pick-up efficiency, officialssaid.