Candidate qualifying slows down

Published 6:00 am Monday, January 20, 2003

Qualifying for the 2003 elections hit a lull last week as only ahandful of new candidates signed up to seek elected office,according to county circuit clerk and state party officials.

“This was a quiet week,” said Sherry Jordan, deputy LincolnCounty circuit clerk.

Only two candidates joined county races last week and one personjoined a legislative district race. One county race had a candidatewithdraw.

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Brookhaven Ward 3 Alderman the Rev. Jerry L. Wilson joined theDistrict 1 Supervisor race, which also includes Ward 1 AldermanDorsey Cameron Jr. and Alex H. Robinson Sr. as candidates. Wilsonis making a fifth attempt to win the county post.

In another county race, John “Buster” Hickman, of 229 N. SecondSt., qualified to run for Post 1 Constable.

Other Democratic candidates in that race include Donald R. “Don”Smith, Charles Ralph Smith Jr. and Bateman Stilley. Donald Golmonis seeking the office as a Republican.

In area legislative races, Brookhaven accountant Richard Bakerfollowed up on his intentions to run for state representative ofHouse District 53. Baker, a Republican, is challenging Democraticincumbent Rep. Bobby Moak.

In the lone withdrawal so far this election season, LincolnCounty Sheriff’s Deputy Sudie Palomarez took her name off theballot for Post 2 Justice Court Judge. Her decision leavesincumbent Judge B.J. Price as the only candidate at this point.

After just over two weeks of qualifying, 39 candidates havethrown their hats into the ring in contests for 19 elected countyand district offices on this year’s ballot. There are no candidatesyet for representative of House District 92, currently held by Dr.Jim Barnett.

Jordan expected more candidates as the Feb. 28 qualifyingdeadline gets closer.

“Probably the beginning and the end will be the busiest,” shesaid.

Other races and candidates so far include (all are running asDemocrats unless noted):

* Chancery Clerk – incumbent Tillmon Bishop, Charles “Charlie”Hart and L. Ralph Smith.

* Circuit Clerk – incumbent Terry Lynn (Case) Watkins.

* Tax Assessor-Collector – incumbent Nancy Reeves Jordan.

* Sheriff – incumbent Lynn Boyte, current Post 1 Constable WileyCalcote, Robert Berry, Don Evans and Republican Klareenca “Kris”Hutcherson.

* Coroner – incumbent Clay McMorris and Sherry DouglasWilliams.

* Superintendent of Education – incumbent Perry Miller and JasonR. Case.

* District 2 Supervisor – incumbent Bobby J. Watts, ClarenceEdwards and Johnny Warren Womack.

* District 3 Supervisor – incumbent Nolan Earl Williamson andHollis Kelly.

* District 4 Supervisor – incumbent W.D. “Doug” Moak.

* District 5 Supervisor – incumbent Gary Walker and DouglasFalvey.

* Post 1 Justice Court Judge – incumbent Judy Martin andRepublican Ricky Thibodeaux.

* Post 2 Constable – incumbent W. Lavon Boyd.

* State Senate District 39 – incumbent Cindy Hyde-Smith.

* District Attorney – 14th Circuit Court District – Gus Sermosand Nelson Estess.

Current District Attorney Danny Smith, who is the chiefprosecutor for Lincoln, Pike and Walthall counties, is not seekingre-election and has instead qualified for state representative ofDistrict 97.

Another Democratic primary qualifier for that office is Chad L.Toney, of Amite County. Sam Mims, address unavailable, hasqualified as a Republican.

Current Dist. 97 Rep. Clem Nettles is retiring after legislativeredistricting greatly changed his district, which now stretchesacross six counties. Lincoln County was included in Nettles’district prior to redistricting.

The first party primaries are scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 5.Party primary runoffs, where necessary, will be held Tuesday, Aug.26.

Party primary winners will go on to face each other in thegeneral election on Tuesday, Nov. 4.