Activity continues as election deadline nears
Published 6:00 am Monday, February 17, 2003
The 2003 election season saw more comings and goings last weekas several people qualifed to run for office and a few otherswithdrew from their races.
“We’re getting down to the wire. It’s two weeks from Saturday,”said Lincoln County Circuit Clerk Terry Case Watkins Friday,referring to the March 1 qualifying deadline.
In election activity last week, four people qualified in countyraces and three people asked that their names be taken off theballot.
Among those withdrawing from races was Lincoln CountySuperintendent of Education Perry Miller. Miller said he plans toretire at the end of his term after almost 36 years ineducation.
“I’m convinced this is the best thing for me and my family,”Miller said following his withdrawal Thursday.
Miller’s decision raises to five the number of candidates whohad earlier qualified to run and later withdrew.
Other withdrawals last week included Richard Carroll Smith fromthe District 4 Supervisor’s race and Mike Milholen from the Post 2Constable’s race. They did not cite any reason for thewithdrawals.
In qualifying activity, Loyd Star Principal Terry Brister signedup in the superintendent’s race. He will face Jason R. Case, thecounty school district’s prevention-intervention program director,in the Democratic primary.
In supervisor race qualifying, Charles Davis, of 660 AldermanLane, joined the District 4 contest. He will challenge incumbentW.D. “Doug” Moak in the Democratic primary.
Harry Solon Case, of 1557 Lucky Lane, became the latestcandidate in a crowded field in District 5. Other supervisor racecandidates include incumbent Gary Walker, Douglas Falvey, Bob K.Smith and Darrell Britt.
David Roberson, of 318 Mallaliu Dr., put his name on the ballotfor Post 2 Constable. Other Democrats in that race include LavonBoyd and Charles B. Welch.
Last week’s election activity leaves 51 candidates vying for for19 elected county and district offices on this year’s ballot. Thereare no candidates yet in the race for state representative ofDistrict 92, but incumbent Dr. Jim Barnett is expected to qualifysoon.
Other races and candidates so far include (all are running inthe Democratic primary unless noted):
* Chancery Clerk – incumbent Tillmon Bishop, Charles “Charlie”Hart and L. Ralph Smith.
* Circuit Clerk – incumbent Terry Lynn (Case) Watkins.
* Tax Assessor-Collector – incumbent Nancy Reeves Jordan.
* Sheriff – incumbent Lynn Boyte, Post 1 Constable WileyCalcote, Robert Berry, Don Evans and James Williams Jr. andRepublican Klareenca (Kris) Hutcherson.
* Coroner – incumbent Clay McMorris and Sherry DouglasWilliams.
* District 1 Supervisor – Dorsey Cameron Jr. and the Rev. JerryL. Wilson, Alex H. Robinson Sr. and Andrew Graham.
* District 2 Supervisor – incumbent Bobby J. Watts, ClarenceEdwards, John Norton and Tommy McCullough.
* District 3 Supervisor – incumbent Nolan Earl Williamson andHollis Kelly.
* Post 1 Justice Court Judge – incumbent Judy Martin andRepublican Ricky Thibodeaux.
* Post 2 Justice Court Judge – incumbent B.J. Price.
* Post 1 Constable – Donald R. (Don) Smith, Charles Ralph SmithJr., Bateman Stilley, John (Buster) Hickman, John Earl Washingtonand Republican Donald Golmon.
* District Attorney, 14th Circuit Court District – Gus Sermos,Nelson Estess and Dewitt “Dee” Bates Jr.
* State Representative, District 53 – incumbent Bobby Moak andRichard Baker III, who is running as a Republican.
* State Senate, District 39 – incumbent Cindy Hyde-Smith andW.L. Rayborn.
The first party primaries are scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 5.Party primary runoffs, where necessary, will be held Tuesday, Aug.26.
Party primary winners will go on to face each other in thegeneral election on Tuesday, Nov. 4.