Miller drops out of school race; plans to retire
Published 6:00 am Monday, February 17, 2003
Lincoln County Superintendent of Education Perry Miller withdrewhis bid for re-election Thursday and announced his intentions toretire at the end of the year.
Miller said he will have almost 36 years in education at the endof his term in December.
“There are times in a person’s life when important life-changingdecisions must be made,” Miller said. “This was one of those timesin my life.”
Miller’s decision leaves two candidates in the superintendent’srace after Loyd Star Attendance Center Principal Terry Bristerqualified to run Thursday. He has been principal at the school onHighway 550 since 1996.
Jason R. Case, who signed up on the first day of qualifyingearlier this year, is also in the race. Case is the county schooldistrict’s prevention-intervention program director.
Miller’s career includes eight years in Lawrence County as ateacher and basketball coach, almost 12 years in Lauderdale Countyas a coach and principal, and over 14 years in the Lincoln CountySchool District as principal and superintendent. Miller wasprincipal at West Lincoln Attendance Center before being electedsuperintendent in 1999.
Miller said he was thankful to the people of Lincoln County forelecting him and allowing him to serve as superintendent. He alsoexpressed thanks for the support he has received and the prayerslifted up on his behalf.
His decision to retire was not an easy one and took much time,thought and prayer, Miller said.
“I’m convinced this is the best thing for me and my family,”Miller said.