School funds not threatened
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, April 2, 2003
Two bills affecting funding for the Mississippi School of theArts are not among those targeted for vetoes by Gov. RonnieMusgrove, said MSA Executive Director Dr. Vicki Bodenhamer.
A line item allocating $2 million for school operations isincluded in a bill to fund the state Arts Commission, Bodenhamersaid. House Bill 1541 has been sent to the governor and is awaitinghis action before April 18.
A $1 million appropriation for MSA equipment purchases isincluded in a bond bill for state community colleges, institutionsof higher learning and other state agencies. Senate Bill 2988 hasalso been sent to the governor, according to a bill statusreport.
Bodenhamer said a bill allowing the school to purchase neededtextbooks and supplies before the end of the current fiscal year isstill pending in the legislature. Current state law does not allowpurchases until the start of the fiscal year in July, which woulddelay the school getting the books in time for its scheduled Augustopening.
On Tuesday, Musgrove vetoed House Bill 1036 amid concerns aboutbudget plans depleting the state’s financial cushion. He planned aveto of Senate Bill 2542 for similar reasons.
Overriding the vetoes would require two-thirds majorities inboth the House and Senate. It was unclear if there are enough votesfor an override.