Some great folks in this community
Published 5:00 am Monday, April 14, 2003
“If you have to have a disaster, Lincoln County is the place tohave it.”
Those words of encouragement from a recent house fire victim,spoken to a victim of Sunday’s tornado in the Loyd Star community,proved true again as hundreds of people turned out to assist in therecovery effort last week.
Volunteer firefighters, private citizens, county employees andutility company workers labored tirelessly to clear roads andrestore electricity and water to the area. Some workers even puttheir own needs aside to help their neighbors — or strangers –first.
Most roads were cleared and services restored by Tuesdayafternoon or Wednesday, thanks to those volunteers who pitched inand helped with chainsaws, front-end loaders, bulldozers andold-fashioned manpower. Many went to work as soon as they couldafter the storm and stayed on the job into the early hours ofMonday morning.
Emergency officials marveled at how well the county was preparedto respond to the storm.
“It’s been a well-run operation,” said one state official.
Supporting the workers and storm victims with donations of foodand other supplies were churches, civic organizations andindividuals.
Whether it’s helping Gulf Coast or Louisiana refugees when theyflee hurricanes, or north Mississippi residents when they mustcontend with an ice storm, Lincoln Countians are known for theirwillingness to provide assistance.
Last week’s recovery effort is the latest chapter in thecounty’s book of good deeds. The only difference this time was itwas friends, neighbors and fellow Lincoln Countians whose lives andhomes needed assistance and repairs.
While no one ever wants to go through a tornado or otherdisaster, Lincoln Countians know that help will be there when it’sneeded — whether it’s needed far away or in their ownbackyards.
Everyone who has helped, and continues to help, deserves a paton the back and heart-felt “thank you.”
This community is blessed to have you.