Grand jury indicts 28

Published 5:00 am Friday, April 18, 2003

Lincoln County grand jurors, meeting this week to conclude theirJanuary term, returned 28 new indictments during a one-day sessionWednesday.

Circuit court officials said most of the items heard by thegrand jury were routine matters.

“More than half of the indictments were for bad checks,” saidAssistant District Attorney Diane Jones. “We didn’t have anythingunusual this time.”

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Indictments are not made public until the accused is served witha copy of court papers. Newly-indicted defendants are scheduled tobe arraigned before Judge Keith Starrett on May 5, said CircuitClerk Terry Lynn Watkins.

During the Wednesday session, grand jurors heard from 21witnesses. In addition to the indictment action, grand jurors votednot to return an indictment in one case and continued seven casesfor further investigation.

The term also included a tour of the county jail and testimonyfrom Chancery Clerk Tillmon Bishop. Jurors said they found jailinmates “securely housed and humanely treated” while Bishopreported that the county is in sound financial condition.

In their report, grand jurors said they appreciated Watkins andher staff for their assistance during the term and Starrett for hiscomments when they were empaneled in January.

“We now have a better understanding of how our system of justiceworks,” grand jurors said in the final report.