LEADER staff wins 15 MPA awards
Published 5:00 am Monday, June 16, 2003
BILOXI — DAILY LEADER News Editor Matthew Coleman received the2002 Bill Minor Award for General News Reporting Saturday duringthe Mississippi Press Association’s Better Newspaper Contest.
Overall, the DAILY LEADER news staff won 15 awards during theannual contest. Included in that total were five first place honorsand a third place award for General Excellence in the DailyDivision C category, for newspapers with circulations under9,000.
The recipient of the Bill Minor Award is chosen from among thesix first place winners in the daily and weekly Best General NewsStory competitions. Mississippi’s daily and weekly newspapers areeach divided into three categories based on circulation.
In the Daily Division C category, Coleman received the firstplace award for his story on the Rev. Jerry Durr’s family and theircoping with the death of son Marvin Durr in a shooting last June.This is the second year that the Bill Minor award, named for theesteemed journalist and political columnist, has beenpresented.
“I’m proud of our entire news staff, especially Matt for hiswinning the Minor award, and their accomplishments,” said DAILYLEADER Publisher Bill Jacobs. “These awards are recognition of ourefforts to keep the people of Brookhaven, Lincoln County andsurrounding areas informed about their communities.”
In other honors, Sports Editor Tom Goetz received two firstplace awards in the Daily C category. He was recognized for BestSports Column and Best Sports News Story.
The newspaper’s annual FOCUS edition was again recognized asBest Special Section in the Daily C competition. Also, formerLEADER photographer Jonathon Alford won a first place award forBest Spot News Photograph.
Among second place honors, Managing Editor Nanette Laster wasrecognized for Best General News Story in the Daily C category. Thenewspaper also received a second place award for Best EditorialPage.
Staff Writer Scott Tynes received a third place award in theBest Spot News Story category. Alford got a third place award forBest Sports Feature Photograph.
Honorable mentions went to Alford for Best Personality Portrait,Goetz for Best Sports News Story, Coleman for Best Sports Featureand the news staff for Best In-Depth/Investigative Coverage.