More local office-seekers get reports in
Published 5:00 am Monday, June 16, 2003
Seven of the 25 candidates late in filing campaign financereports by the Tuesday deadline had filed their reports by 9:30a.m. Friday, according to the Lincoln County Circuit Clerk’soffice.
Both incumbents who were late in filing have since complied.Incumbent Democrats Judy Case Martin, Justice Court Judge Post 2,and W. Lavon Boyd, Constable Post 2, said they had just been busyand forgot about the deadline.
“I forgot it. It just slipped my mind,” Boyd said. “We receivedtrailer tax notices and I’ve just been busy delivering them.”
Martin had promised Thursday that she had just overlooked thedeadline and would turn it in that day.
“I’ve had mine filled out for several days. I’ve just been tiedup and forgot about it,” she said.
Neither candidate reported any contributions in May, and onlyMartin reported any campaign expenditures. She spent $160 in Mayand has laid out more than $700 during her re-electioncampaign.
Democrat David Roberson, the only other Constable Post 2candidate late in filing, also turned in his report. He reportedreceiving a $100 donation with an expenditure of $37 during hiscampaign.
Two Supervisor District 1 challengers also filed. DemocratsAndrew Graham and The Rev. Jerry L. Wilson reported no campaignexpenditures to date. Graham, however, reported $200 incontributions.
Financial reports by Democrats Alex H. Robinson Sr., DorseyCameron Jr. and Percy Rauls and Republican Joe Jones still have notbeen filed in that race.
John W. Norton, a candidate for Supervisor District 2, reportedno contributions and expenditures of $520 in his bid to unseatincumbent Democrat Bobby J. Watts, who filed on time. Othercandidates for the office, Democrats Clarence Edwards and TommyMcCullough and Republican James Howard Williams Jr. still have notfiled.
Of the four candidates for sheriff who had not filed by thedeadline, only one, Democrat Robert Berry, has since filed. Hereported no contributions and no expenditures during hiscampaign.
Berry refiled Thursday afternoon. He had received a politicalcommittee form instead of the individual reporting form and had notrealized the error.
He received a letter informing him of his mistake over theweekend, he said, and refiled Thursday to correct the error.
Democrat Don Evans, another candidate for sheriff, wasincorrectly listed as a late filer in an article yesterday. He hadfiled his report by the Tuesday deadline.
Candidates for sheriff who have still not complied with thedeadline are Democrat James Wiley Calcote, Republican Richard W.Swagerty, and Independent James Williams Jr.