Powell wins Wooden Spoon honors

Published 5:00 am Friday, June 20, 2003

A sigh and a surprised expression came across Jackie Powell’sface Thursday as she was named the grand prize winner of The DAILYLEADER’s 26th Annual Wooden Spoon Cookbook Contest.

The top cook and other winners were recognized during areception at The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer.

Powell’s “Fried Green Tomatoes with Crawfish Remoulade”submitted in the Vegetable category was the judges’ favorite pickamong over 200 recipes entered in this year’s contest. The winningrecipe won rave reviews from the judges for its taste andoriginality.

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“It was different,” Powell said about the dish.

Powell, who has been married to Jimmy Powell for 37 years,enjoys cooking for her family and friends. The couple also lookforward to cooking for charity functions and fund raisers for theirchurch and community. The Powells have three daughters, MissyRenfroe, Anna Watts and Becky Powell, who is deceased, and sixgrandchildren.

“I love to cook with seafood, even though I can’t eat it. I’mallergic to it,” Powell said. “I just enjoy cooking and making upnew things.”

Powell has been a finalist in the Wooden Spoon several times. In1999, she nearly swept all categories when she walked away asCategory Winner in four divisions — Main Dish, Vegetables, Breadsand Rolls and For Your Health. She has become accustomed to winningcooking contests, as she has earned top prizes in competitionsacross the state.

Powell, a housewife, believes in getting the entire familyinvolved in cooking. She sees it as a time for bonding andtogetherness.

“We need to cook and eat together. I try to make it a familything,” she said.

Powell also beat out four other finalists in the Vegetables andMain Dish categories. She perfects many of her recipes throughtrial and error until she obtains the desired flavor.

As grand prize winner, Powell received a $300 check from TheDAILY LEADER and two $50 cash prizes for her category wins. At thispoint, she is unsure of what she will do with the money, whichcomes just in time for her family’s yearly vacation.

“I don’t have a clue what I will spend it on,” she said.

All category winners received $50 prize money from The DAILYLEADER and gifts and gift certificates from area merchantsThursday.

Winners in other categories were as follows:

Category 1 – Appetizers: Pam Wesley is thefirst place winner in this category with her “Crab and Veggie Dip”.Other finalists were Jackie Powell for “Paradise Pizza”; BeckyFeduccia for “Cranberry Horseradish Sauce”; Mary Lou Boyd for”Shrimp and Crab Butterkase Mini Wells”; and Sheila Day for”Stuffed Banana Peppers”.

Category 2 – Soups, Salads, Fruits: Categorywinner is Michelle Spiller for “Walnut Salad”. Other finalists wereCindy K. Smith for “Cindy’s Pasta Salad”; Thelma Haley for “SweetPotato Salad”; Melba Johnson for “Autumn Chicken Salad”; and MaxineKudra for “Maxie’s Clam Chowder”.

Category 3 – Main Dish: Winner of the Main DishCategory is Jackie Powell for “Deep Fried Bell Peppers withCrawfish Eggplant and Cajun Sauce”. Other finalists were “ChickenRed Angel” entered by Sheila Day; “Salmon Baked in Parchment”entered by Debbie Brady Thomas; “Swiss Spinach Chicken” entered byThelma Haley; and “Plantation Cornish Hens” entered by LucilleAssink.

Category 4 – Vegetables:

Grand prize winner Jackie Powell is the winnerwith her “Fried Green Tomatoes with Crawfish Remoulade.” Otherfinalists were Pat Young with her “Stuffed Baked Sweet Potatoes”;Eleanor L. Ford with her “Mini Cheesy Potato Nests”; ChristiPurcell with her “Baked Navy Beans”; and Myrtle Crossley with her”Vegetable Casserole”.

Category 5 – Desserts and Sweets: Winner with”Sweet Potato Crunch” is Kathryn Hall. Other finalists were Mary D.Moak with “Butterscotch Pineapple Cake”; Cecelia B. Daughdrill with”Blueberry Crescent Pie”; Kimmy Eubanks with “Cookie DoughCheesecake”; and John Richardson with “Peaches and Cream Bars”.

Category 6 – Breads and Rolls:

Ron Barham won with his “You’re Not Gonna Believe It’s a BranMuffin”. Other finalists were Sheila Day with “Banana Coffee Breadwith Orange Glaze”; Cecelia B. Daughdrill with “Spinach Bread”; andThelma Haley with “Stuffed Pistolettes”.

Category 7 – For Your Health: Winner is Mary B.Smith with her “Orange Rosemary Chicken.” Other finalists are MaryD. Moak with “Apple Crescent Goodies”; Sheila Day with “VegetableSlaw”; and Faye Bein with “Eggplant Parmesan”. Moak’s AppleCrescent Goodies recipe was so delicious that it was also chosen asthe winner of the annual “Chucky” Award.

Category 8 – Kids Cuisine: Top winner wasnewcomer Jake Walker with his “Mountain High Banana Cream Pies”.Jake, a student at Enterprise, is the son of Jenny and Greg Walker.The other finalist was Amanda Blair with “Easy Lasagna”. Blair, astudent at Brookhaven High School, is the daughter of Charles andAlicia Blair.

Category 9- Employees: This year the winner ofthe category is Keri Leggett with “Reuben Corned Beef Pie”. Leggettis the mother of two daughters, Anna and Laura Leigh.