What tops city’s ‘things to do’ list?
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, June 24, 2003
Brookhaven city officials said they took no action in a meetingThursday to discuss annexation and other issues related to theexpansion.
Citizens will have to take their word for it.
That’s because the mayor, aldermen and annexation consultantsretreated behind closed doors in an executive session.
The meeting was opened by City Attorney Joe Fernald with arequest to go into executive session to discuss annexation, theimpact of annexation on the city, and the impact of annexation onplans for a new industrial park, city hall, multi-modal facilityand other city projects. He cited pending litigation on theannexation as the reason to enter into executive session.
Yes, under Mississippi law, litigation is one of the reasonspublic boards may close their meetings to the public. Thelaw does not state the meetings must be closed.
We have questions about the legality of last week’s executivesession.
While there is pending litigation on the city’s annexation plan,we know of no litigation involving a new industrial park, a newcity hall, the multi-modal facility or what various and sundrythings might come under the umbrella of other city projects. Weknow of no litigation involving the impact of annexation on theprojects, either.
The meeting lasted about 90 minutes, but no city officialoffered any comments as to what was discussed.
“There is no report, and no action was taken,” Fernald said.
Aldermen also declined to comment, calling the meeting a reporton where they stood with annexation issues.
Where does the city stand on annexation issues?
Where do the new industrial park, city hall, multi-modalfacility and other projects fit in? Has a list of priorities beenmade for these projects?
We think the taxpayers of Brookhaven deserve an answer to thesequestions.
After all, they’re the ones footing the bill.