Question for Candidates: Does county need to update vote counter?
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, July 1, 2003
Editor’s Note: Today The DAILY LEADERcontinues its special question-and-answer series with candidates inthe Supervisor District One race.
We sent — via certified mail with a return receipt — alist of several questions to all candidates in the Democraticprimary. Only one, Dorsey Cameron Jr., chose not to participate inforum. A new series of questions will be provided to Republican JoeJones and the winner of this race prior to the general election inNovember.
Do you think Lincoln County needs to upgrade the optical scannerequipment used for voting in county elections? Please explain youranswer.
Larry J. Boyd: Talking with one election official informed methat the problem with our machines may be the way the ballots arehandled in the metal boxes. I think this is something that can beimproved. We also need to start looking at the newer equipment eventhough it may be a few years down the road before it can bepurchased due to tight budget issues.
Andrew Graham: Yes, I think Lincoln Countyneeds to upgrade the optical scanner equipment used for voting,because we had problems in the past with voting situations onrecount and people are saying the votes had not been counted right.We don’t need any problems when it comes to voting for the peoplein Lincoln County.
Percy Rauls: Upgrading the county’s opticalscanner is a terrific idea, but certainly not a necessity at thistime. Funds for this line item would be better served on replacingand repairing bridges. Should the current optical scanner pose aproblem for having correct voter counts, then I would not hesitateto recommend corrective action to alleviate the problem.
Alex Robinson Sr.: I think the equipment shouldbe replaced or given an overhaul job to make it more proficient.Due to tight budgets, it might not be feasible to purchase unlessthe overhaul job proved to be costly.
The Rev. Jerry L. Wilson: There is already anew system in place so really we don’t need another.
Wednesday: Candidates discuss specific needs in DistrictOne.