Candidates discuss federal programs’ effects on schools

Published 5:00 am Friday, July 11, 2003

Editor’s Note: Today The DAILY LEADER continuesa special question-and-answer series with candidates in someimportant upcoming county elections. Featured today is the race forLincoln County Superintendent of Education. Both candidates areparticipating.

How will the government pay for new federal mandatessuch as the No Child Left Behind program, and what is thevalue of such programs to the school district?

Terry Brister: No Child Left Behindrepresents a major shift to greater accountability in education forstudents. Under this program, each school and each educator becomesresponsible for assuring that all children learn. While the programwas not fully funded, Mississippi has been at the forefront indeveloping an accountability model that is already in place.

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We as educators must first be accountable for the success of allchildren in the Lincoln County School District, rather thanaccountable to persons in Washington. We will always endeavor towork with parents, teachers and students to make sure that goodthings are happening in our school district. Since No ChildLeft Behind is a new program, many questions still remain asto its effectiveness as a tool for educational purposes.

Donald E. Case: The No Child LeftBehind legislation recently implemented by our nationalgovernment is possibly the most sweeping piece of educationallegislation of current times. The philosophy of this legislationshould be adopted by everyone, everywhere. It should be everyperson, and especially every educator’s goal to make sure everychild receives an adequate education. This is certainly my goal andI hope that every educator in Lincoln County shares with me thisgoal for their students.

It is my fear that if the trend continues, the financial burdenfor implementing the No Child Left Behind law will fallmostly on state and local governments. This is another example ofan unfunded federal mandate. Nevertheless, it is the law and itrepresents a goal we must all share. We should make very effort tosee that “no child is left behind.” This will certainly be my goalas your superintendent of education. With your support, we can worktogether to make this goal a reality.

Monday: Candidates for District ThreeSupervisor answer questions.