Crime Stoppers tip leads officers to city drug stash
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, August 12, 2003
Two Brookhaven men were arrested, and marijuana and cocaine wereconfiscated Monday morning by law enforcement agencies.
Being held in the Lincoln County Jail on $75,000 bonds areFrederick Harris, 25, and Jason Christopher Martin, 27, both of 424Liberty Street.
Harris is also being held on a probation violation for theMississippi Department of Corrections (MDOC).
“Both of them have criminal histories,” said Narcotics AgentDustin Bairfield.
MDOC assisted the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department,Brookhaven Police Department and Southwest Mississippi NarcoticsUnit in the investigation, which has been ongoing for approximately7 to 8 months, according to authorities.
“This all came about from a Crime Stoppers tip,” said SheriffLynn Boyte.
The police department had also received a number of complaintsabout drug activity in the Liberty Street and Center Street area,but the tip provided specific details that allowed law enforcementofficers to take action.
MDOC officers and other authorities went to the Liberty Streetresidence around 10:15 a.m. Monday to visit Harris, who was onprobation.
“You could smell the marijuana when you walked in the room, andyou could see drugs in plain view in other rooms in the house,”said Investigator Lance Falvey.
Officers arrested Harris and Martin and searched the house.Authorities confiscated two sets of scales — apparently used forweighing illegal substances — individual size bags of cocaine,more than two pounds of marijuana, a police scanner and over $1,000in cash.
Some of the marijuana was packaged in bags ready for sale, saidofficers, adding that the marijuana had an estimated street valueof $4,800.
Authorities also found a large bag of marijuana in an abandonedcar on Center Street. The anonymous tip on the Crime Stoppers lineidentified the vehicle as a storage place for drugs, which waslater confirmed through investigation, said Falvey.
“We encourage other people who may have knowledge (of crimes) toassist their law enforcement agencies,” said Boyte.
Brookhaven Police Chief Pap Henderson said such tips from thecommunity are beneficial to all involved. This one helped put adent in a “problem area,” he said.
“It’s good for the neighborhood, and it’s good for the city. Ittakes these drugs off the streets,” he said.