Football teams answer questions
Published 5:00 am Thursday, August 28, 2003
This is also known as the final exam.
A lot of questions will be answered tonight and Friday nightwhen area football teams kick off their 2003 campaigns. Morequestions will be answered Saturday when most of the MagnoliaState’s colleges make their debut.
For example:
Does Ole Miss have a running game?
Does Mississippi State have enough good players to have awinning season?
Does Southern Miss have enough juice on offense to complimentits outstanding defense?
Does Jackson State have a shot at the SWAC championship?
Can Delta State bounce back from a losing season?
Can Valley State continue its climb up the SWAC ladder?
Can Millsaps and Belhaven have successful campaigns?
Can Mississippi College contend for the conference title?
Can Alcorn State make a SWAC title run?
On the junior college level:
Can Southwest return to South Division title contention?
Can Co-Lin muster an offense to complement its improveddefense?
Can Hinds return to the top of the South Division roost?
On the high school level:
Can Brookhaven improve its speed enough to be a state titlecontender?
Can Brookhaven Academy survive a grinding schedule with nineplayers going both ways?
Can Enterprise keep its state playoff tradition going with a newcoach at the helm?
Can Bogue Chitto return to the state playoffs?
Can Loyd Star return to its glory days?
Can West Lincoln win more than one game?
Can Wesson win a third straight region title?
Can Lawrence County notch a winning record?
Can Franklin County replace 22 seniors and contend for theregion crown?
Can Hazlehurst successfully defend its region championship?
Can Copiah Academy make steady improvement under a new headcoach?
Can Professor Hoopla, B.S., survive the strenuous grind ofanother prognosticating campaign?
The answer is … yes.
Fresh from a vigorous preseason training routine which includedarmadillo hunting, beaver trapping, gardening, golf and bicycleriding, Hoopla is in prime condition and ready for the gridironwars.
Launching his 33rd season at the helm of footballfortunetelling, Hoopla is going to start this week’s menu with aThursday night special, graduate to Friday night’s larger lineupand advance to Saturday’s college showdowns.
Franklin County at Lawrence County: The Cougars are anxious tostart their campaign tonight on a winning note. Lawrence County21-10.
Brookhaven at Hazlehurst: This is one situation where thePanthers’ superior manpower will overcome Friday night speed.Brookhaven 28-14.
West Lincoln at Loyd Star: The Hornets have more zip in theirstep, plus a defense to back it up. Loyd Star 24-12.
Enterprise at Wesson: It could be the best game of the night asthe Cobras showcase their new helmet decals. Wesson 21-14.
Brookhaven Academy at Copiah Academy: Cougars are bent onavenging last year’s setback. Brookhaven Academy 30-12.
Bogue Chitto at McAdams: Overcoming a long bus ride, the Bobcatsget their season off to a winning start. Bogue Chitto 20-8.
In other area action, South Pike should swamp North Pike 27-6,Hattiesburg should take McComb 17-7, Silliman Institute should sinkParklane 20-10 and Jefferson County should ambush Crystal Springs14-12.
Looking at Saturday’s collegiate scene:
Ole Miss at Vanderbilt: Eli Manning can throw and the Rebelsfind a rushing attack. Ole Miss 21-7.
Southern Miss at California: This should be a defensivestruggle. Cal 17-7.
Oregon at Mississippi State: Ducks are too strong a team for theBulldogs to bring down in Starkville Saturday night. Oregon28-17.
In other state games, Northwestern State should ambush JacksonState 28-10, Arkansas-Pine Bluff should clip Alcorn State 17-14 andSouthern University should stop Valley State in Jackson, 31-19.Belhaven and Mississippi College kick it off next Thursday night atVeterans Memorial Stadium in Jackson. Delta State and Millsapsstart their campaigns next Saturday.
Write to sports editor Tom Goetz at P.O. BOX 551,Brookhaven, MS, 39601 or e-mail