Football season has freaky start
Published 5:00 am Friday, September 12, 2003
The 2003 football season is only three weeks old and it appearsto be a freaky classic in the works. Strange things have happenedand unusual games already have taken place.
Back on the night of Aug. 22, the Brookhaven Academy Cougarskicked off their season at home against Simpson County. A blowntransformer delayed the game for nearly an hour.
On Thursday, Aug. 28, the Franklin County Bulldogs and LawrenceCounty Cougars decided to kick their campaign off a day early. Alarge crowd was anticipated. Mother Nature produced a severethunderstorm which delayed that kickoff over one hour.
Some of the storm drains clogged on the home side of CougarStadium and the water stood ankle deep out to the hash marks.Fortunately, the water receded. All we needed was a large woodenark.
Brookhaven’s Aug. 29 debut at Hazlehurst provided some strangehappenings, too. Two of the light poles on the home side suddenlywent out. Efforts were made to reset a breaker box and replace afuse but it didn’t last long. Fortunately, no delay in thegame.
On Sept. 5, Brookhaven and Vicksburg battled through a marathon,3-hour, 5-minute, triple overtime classic. At the end ofregulation, yours truly took a knee to gather energy for theOT.
If you enjoy walking and climbing 40 rows of bleachers, considerVeterans Memorial Stadium in Jackson. Last Thursday we covered theMississippi College-Millsaps game, also known as the BackyardBrawl, in the Capital City.
Thinking I knew my way around the stadium pretty well, I parkedon the home or press box side. Oops. That ticket booth wasclosed.
The closest ticket booth was directly on the other side of thestadium. I offered to help Billy Freeman carry some of hisphotography equipment but he declined. Apparently he has a strongback.
Surprise. There was only one press pass available instead of therequested two. In search of an additional pass, that meant anotherlong walk; 40 steps down to field level, another 70 yards to theother side of the stadium and then 40 rows up before descending tothe elevator which carries folks to the press box.
We always like to arrive at least 30 minutes before a game inthe event of a traffic jam or some unexpected delay. Thankfully, anice northerly breeze was delivering a long-awaited taste ofautumn.
MC sports information director Chris Brooks graciouslyvolunteered to deliver the pass to Billy, so while we swabbedperspiration from our forehead and stood close to an airconditioner, Brooks did the leg work.
It turned out to be a good night for the Choctaws and theweather was ideal for an early September game.
Professor Hoopla, B.S., is still fighting heat rash while heprovides fearless prognostications regarding this weekend’s games.He posted a 19-5-0 record last week. Here’s a preview of Friday’shigh school games but first a look at tonight’s Belhaven-Millsapsshowdown.
Belhaven at Millsaps: Alumni Field provides a backdrop for theBlazers who showcase their powerful offense tonight. Belhaven35-7.
Clinton at Brookhaven: It looms as another collision of strongfootball teams on King Field. Panthers are due to have some luck.Brookhaven 16-14.
Brookhaven Academy at Silliman Institute: The road doesn’t getany easier for the winless Cougars. Silliman 18-8.
Bogue Chitto at St. Andrew’s: Bobcats climb to 3-0 with a winover the Ridgeland-based Saints. Bogue Chitto 14-7.
Enterprise at West Lincoln: One of these teams will win theirfirst game Friday night and it looks like the Yellow Jackets.Enterprise 24-14.
Loyd Star at Franklin County: Could be the best game in thearea. Franklin County 17-14.
Wesson at Richland: Unbeaten Cobras prevail against a Region6-3A road opponent. Wesson 28-6.
Ridgeland at Lawrence County: The 2-year-old Titan footballprogram is improving but they still have a long way to go. LawrenceCounty 26-14.
Other area games: Adams County 29, Copiah 12; Magee 23, CrystalSprings 0; North Pike 17, West Marion 10; Wayne County 27, McComb12; South Pike 21, Warren Central 14; Jackson Prep 31, Parklane 10.Hazlehurst has an open date to enjoy its victory over VelmaJackson.
After sipping a Sprite, Hoopla looks at Saturday’s collegiatescene, starting with a pair of community college specials.
Co-Lin at Coahoma: Can the Wolves win on the road at Clarksdale?Co-Lin 9-7.
Holmes at Southwest: Bears raise their record to 2-0 bydefeating the Bulldogs. Southwest 17-7.
Louisiana-Monroe at Ole Miss: This is a crucial game for theRebels who are still staggering from the upset at Memphis. Ole Miss34-14.
Mississippi State at Tulane: Bulldogs have had two weeks toprepare for their trip to the Superdome. State 38-20.
Memphis at Southern Miss: Tigers boast an explosive offense soit looks like bad news at The Rock. Memphis 27-17.
Jackson State at Tennessee State: Hey! Robert Hughes was doing apretty darn good job coaching JSU. Too bad he wasn’t appreciated.Tennessee State 38-18.
In other Magnolia State action, Delta State should take ValleyState 28-14 and Alabama State should sink Alcorn State 18-12. MChas an open date to prepare for Howard Payne.
Write to sports editor Tom Goetz at P.O. BOX 551, Brookhaven,MS, 39601 or e-mail