Obituaries for Sunday, October 5
Published 5:00 am Monday, October 6, 2003
Mary Evelyn Brister
Services for Mary Evelyn Brister of Bogue Chitto are 2 p.m.,Sunday, Oct. 5, 2003, at Brookhaven Funeral Home Chapel with burialin Wellman Baptist Church Cemetery. Brookhaven Funeral Home is incharge of the arrangements.
Mrs. Brister, 65, died Oct 2, 2003 at King’s Daughters MedicalCenter. She was born in Lawrence County on April 2, 1938, to MinnieGivens Pate and A. C. “Lum” Pate Sr.
She was retired from Bill’s Auto Glass & Trim Shop. She wasa member of the Eastern Star-Topisaw Lodge 306. She was a member ofEasthaven Baptist Church.
Preceding her in death were her parents.
Survivors are her husband, Willie Morris “Bill” Brister, ofBogue Chitto; her daughters, Martha Faye Robinson, of Bogue Chitto,Sharon Beth Smith, of Brookhaven and Jan Douglas, of Bogue Chitto;her brothers, Henry Pate, of Brookhaven and A. C. Pate Jr., of NewOrleans; her sisters, Alfia Bullock, of Ruth, Lucie O’Quinn, of NewOrleans, and Alma Bullock, of Brookhaven; a host of nieces andnephews; nine grandchildren; two stepgrandchildren; and threegreat-grandchildren.
John B. Polk
A prayer service for John B. Polk of Jackson is 2:30 p.m.,Monday, Oct. 6, 2003, at Wright and Ferguson Funeral Home withinterment in Natchez Trace Memorial Park.
Visitation is Sunday, Oct. 5, 2003, from 4-7 p.m. and at 12:30p.m. Monday.
Mr. Polk, 77, died Oct. 3 2003 at Hospice Ministries. He wasborn in Simpson County on May 2, 1926.
He was an entrepreneur in the motion picture industry inMississippi and owned theaters across the state. He was active inmotion picture organizations and served as a volunteer in theAmerican Legion. He was a World War II veteran with the Navy. Hewas a member of the Methodist faith.
Preceding him in death were his sister, Mildred Bramsom, of LongBeach, CA.; and his brothers, James Polk, of Jackson, Robert Polk,of Chicago and Ralph Polk, of Woodbridge, VA.
Survivors are his sisters, Georgia Massey, of Brookhaven, QuidaHancock, of Picayune, and Matt Keith, of Jackson; and a host ofneices and nephews.
Dustin Dewight Thompson
Services for Dustin Dewight Thompson of Brookhaven are gravesideat 3 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 5, 2003, at John C. Nations MemorialCemetery. Brookhaven Funeral Home is in charge of thearrangements.
The infant died Oct. 1, 2003, at Southwest MS Regional MedicalCenter. He was born in McComb on Oct. 1, 2003, to Shelia Nunneryand Randy Thompson, both of Brookhaven.
Preceding him in death was his sister, Natalie Nicole Thompson;and his aunt, Linda Posey.
Survivors are his parents; his brothers, Christopher Nunnery,Billy Joe Thompson, and Michael Thompson, all of Brookhaven; hissister, Karen Thompson of Brookhaven; his grandparents, DorothyCain of McComb, Curtis Nunnery of Liberty, Beulah Thompson andEddie Thompson, both of Brookhaven; and his aunts and uncles, RitaAcy, Roselyn White, Sharon Knight, Nancy Thompson Jeffery Nunnery,Tony Nunnery, and Ricky Thompson.
Hunter Cole Williams
Services for Hunter Cole Williams of Brookhaven are 11 a.m.,Monday, Oct. 6, 2003, at Bethel Temple United Pentecostal Churchwith burial in the church cemetery. Brookhaven Funeral Home is incharge of the arrangements.
Visitation is Oct. 5, 2003, at 11 a.m. and Oct. 6, 2003, at 8a.m.
The boy, 15 months old, died Oct. 3, 2002, at King’s DaughtersMedical Center. He was born in Brookhaven on June 18, 2003, toBilly Williams and Lisa Rials Williams, both of Brookhaven.
Survivors are his parents; his brother, Coty Williams, ofBrookhaven; his grandparents, Francis Williams, Jimmy Lee Williams,Diane Rials, and Nick Rials, all of Brookhaven; and hisgreat-grandparents, Lois Fuller, and Alma Rials, both ofBrookhaven.