Time running out for absentee voting

Published 5:00 am Thursday, October 23, 2003

Lincoln County voter activity is still high for the November 4general election, according to officials.

Circuit Clerk Terry Lynn Watkins said her office has received303 ballots since absentee voting opened Sept. 22.

“That is really good,” she said. “I expect us to have 500-600 bythe time this is over with. The last week is usually thebusiest.”

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Her office received about 900 absentee ballots in the firstprimary, Watkins said.

Absentee ballots will be accepted until noon on Saturday, Oct.25, and Saturday, Nov. 1, although mailed ballots will be accepteduntil Monday, Nov. 3.

The Circuit Clerk’s Office will be open Saturday, Nov. 1, from 9a.m. until noon to accept absentee ballots, she said.

Despite the fact that many county district races were decided bythe first and second primaries, the absentee ballots received sofar represent a wide area of the county, she said.

“Even with some supervisor’s races decided, the absentee turnoutis scattered throughout the county,” she said.

Watkins cited the sheriff’s and state races as the main reasonfor the county’s high voter interest.

“This is the first time in 16 years we will have a new sheriffand a lot of people want to have a say in that,” she said. “Andthere’s always interest in the governor’s race.”

Lincoln County races still to be decided include:

* Democrat Wiley Calcote, Republican Charley Evans andIndependent James Williams Jr. are competing for the sheriff’soffice position left vacant when four-term incumbent Lynn Boyte wasdefeated in the second primary;

* Incumbent Democrat Clay McMorris, who won a special electionlast year to finish the term of retiring Coroner Morris Henderson,will meet Republican Carolyn Greer Welch in his bid for a fullterm;

* Incumbent Tax Assessor/Collector Nancy Reeves Jordan,Democrat, has been challenged by Republican Dan Wallace;

* The Rev. Jerry L. Wilson, a Democrat, will meet Republican JoeJones for the supervisor District 1 post currently being held byVedia Givens, who was appointed when her husband, Cliff, died inoffice;

* In District 2, incumbent Democrat Bobby J. Watts will face achallenge by Republican James Howard Williams Jr.;

* Incumbent District 5 Supervisor Gary Walker will meetRepublican Michael Assink;

* Incumbent Justice Court Judge Post 1 Judy Case Martin,Democrat, will meet Republican Ricky Thibodeaux;

* Incumbent Justice Court Judge Post 2 Billy Joe “B.J.” Price, aDemocrat, will face a challenge from Republican Freddie Canon;

* Democrat Charles Ralph Smith Jr. and Republican Donald Golmonare competing for the constable Post 1 position;

* Kay Kyzar Coon, appointed to the position earlier this yearwhen her husband, Jerry, died in office, will meet Carolyn GreerWelch in a bid for the position of County School Board District1;

* Incumbent District 92 Representative Dr. Jim Barnett, whoswitched to the Republican Party last year, will meet F.C. “Buddy”Turpin; and

* Incumbent District 53 Representative Bobby Moak, a Democrat,will face a challenge by Republican Richard “Ricky” Baker.

Lawrence County

In Lawrence County, however, absentee turnout has been “verylow,” according to Circuit Clerk Cindy Stokes.

Stokes said her office will also be open Oct. 25 and Nov. 1 toaccept absentee ballots.

Her office has only received about 35 ballots.

Voter turnout for the general election so far has beendisappointing, she said, because voters came in near record numbersfor both the first and second primaries. Her office received morethan 400 absentee ballots in each of those primaries.

“I think it’s because most of the local elections have alreadybeen settled,” she said.

Lawrence County races still undecided include:

* Supervisor District 4 with Democrat Glen Grubs seeking a thirdterm against Republican Daryl Cody;

* Democrat Coach Archie Ross, Republican William Charlie “Jimbo”Barton and Independent Jerry Goode squaring off for the SupervisorDistrict 5 position left open by incumbent Calvin Fortenberry’sretirement;

* Incumbent Justice Court Judge Robert C. “Bobby” FortenberryJr. is seeking another term over the challenges of Republican JimmyHurst Barton and Independent Alvin C. Peyton;

* Incumbent District 53 Representative Bobby Moak, Democrat, isseeking another term against the challenge of Republican Richard”Ricky” Baker; and

* Clem Nettles left the District 97 Representative positionvacant when he chose not to run. Democrat Derrick Dahl andRepublican Sam Mims have emerged for that office.