Voters elect to stay course in county govt.
Published 6:00 am Monday, November 10, 2003
County elections have come and gone for another four years.
Results from this year’s elections demonstrated that LincolnCounty voters were ready to stay the course in countygovernment.
In all but one contest, the sheriff’s race where Constable WileyCalcote was elected Tuesday to the county’s top law enforcementposition, current office holders were chosen to return in Januaryfor another term.
For the first time in several election cycles, a majority of theLincoln County Board of Supervisors will be returning instead ofleaving. The Rev. Jerry L. Wilson, elected as District OneSupervisor, will be moving over to the county side of thegovernment complex after leaving his post as the city’s Ward Threealderman.
We congratulate all the winners and trust they will continue todo the job that voters have elected them to do.