Donations will support community food pantries

Published 6:00 am Wednesday, November 26, 2003

The DAILY LEADER and Bank of Brookhaven are teaming up to bringholiday cheer to the needy in the form of donations to area foodpantries, and they are asking for help from the community.

An account for the Holiday Food Pantry Fund was set up this weekto kick off the fund raiser for food pantries in the Lincoln Countyarea. It will remain open through Dec. 19 at Bank ofBrookhaven.

All donors will be listed on the front page of The DAILY LEADER.Donations can be made by anyone, can even be made in memory of, orhonor of a friend or loved one, or anonymously. Checks made payableto the Holiday Food Pantry Fund will be accepted at The DAILYLEADER, 128 North Railroad Ave., or Bank of Brookhaven, 411Brookway Blvd.

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All of the money raised will be given to local food pantries tobe used for feeding needy families during the holiday season and,hopefully, throughout the year.

“The idea is to help those in need during the holiday season,”said John Lowman, general manager of The DAILY LEADER. “We want tohelp the food pantries because they’re going to be inundated thistime of year.”

Lowman pointed out that the organizations chose to collect moneyrather than canned food items because food pantries spend a lot ofmoney this time of year. They need help replenishing their stock tocontinue serving the needy throughout the year, he said.

“Giving is not just a holiday thing, it’s a year-round thing,”said Lowman. “We want to make sure the food pantries can still givefood to the needy in July.”

Shannon Aker, senior vice president at Bank of Brookhaven, hasbeen talking with Lowman for several months about a project to helpprovide food for the needy.

“I don’t think people realize the need the food pantries have,and how many people don’t have good food on a regular basis,” saidAker.

Lowman has overseen two similar projects in Iowa and California.He said the funds were much appreciated and the idea waswell-received by those communities.

He hopes for the same from Brookhaven and Lincoln Countyresidents, churches, civic organizations and businesses.

“We want the residents and the businesses in the Lincoln Countyarea to help those less fortunate. We invite businesses andindividuals to challenge each other to raise money,” saidLowman.

Aker believes the idea will be well-received by thecommunity.

“People in the Brookhaven area are very generous, and we want togive them some recognition,” he said.