Official homecoming for 296th is Jan. 10

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Soldiers and civilians will gather Jan. 10 at the BrookhavenArmy Reserve armory to celebrate their return from Iraq during anofficial homecoming ceremony for 296th Transportation Company.

“It should be a big event,” said Maj. Howard Taylor, companycommander. “We’ll talk about what the unit has done and serving onthe front lines with no casualties.”

One of the highlighted events will be the presentation of aPurple Heart medal to Spc. Brandy Taylor, who was injured March 20,2001, during a mortar attack on the unit’s first day in the combatzone. Taylor is believed to be the first and only female PurpleHeart recipient from Mississippi, the major said.

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Another highlighted event is the major’s promotion to hispresent rank. Taylor was awarded the major’s rank on Aug. 7 andwore it while in Iraq but has not been officially “pinned,” amilitary promotion tradition. The promotion ceremony is alsoexpected to occur during the event Jan. 10.

“It’s still in limbo,” Taylor said of his major’s rank. “Theywant to actually pin me with the rank before I wear it. Iofficially made major Aug. 7, but with the war they haven’t beenable to stage the ceremony.”

Elected officials from Brookhaven, Lincoln County, and thesurrounding area are expected to speak during the homecoming,Taylor said, but it was too early to tell exactly who would be ableto attend.

“We’ll know more when it gets closer to the event,” he said.

Taylor said he was proud of his unit’s performance in Iraq andthe homecoming was a tribute to them.

From their arrival in Iraq on March 20 to their departure onJuly 25, the unit hauled more than 9 million gallons of fuel overmore than a million miles without an accident.

The unit’s performance was strong enough to get attention atheadquarters, also. Taylor said he has been told the unit willreceive the Presidential Award for Safety. Unfortunately, thataward will not be presented Jan. 10.

January’s event will have some ceremony, but Taylor said themain focus is to provide an opportunity to welcome the troops homeand get to meet them.

“We’ll eat together, talk together, share stories of the war,”he said. “I brought all my troops back. I’m very proud ofthat.”