Brister takes over school leadership
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, January 6, 2004
The Lincoln County School Board quickly dispatched with routinebusiness Monday with new Superintendent Terry Brister sitting atthe head of the table.
Brister, who had been sworn in Monday morning along with othercounty officials, said he was proud to join the board at thedecision-making table and thanked them for their support. Hereplaces Perry Miller, who did not seek re-election.
“They were very relaxed and very supportive,” he said after themeeting. “I was really appreciative of the way they carried methrough it. I feel real comfortable with them.”
Brister was relatively quiet during much of the decisions Mondaywhile the board accepted resignations, hired personnel, approvedstudent transfers, and handled other routine business.
“I’ll get more hands-on in subsequent meetings,” he said. “Mostof this business was done before me.”
One of Brister’s first acts as superintendent was to swear inKay Coon as District One board member.
Coon won the special election to fill the post left vacant whenher husband, Jerry Coon, died April 15 while serving as presidentof the board. She had been appointed at that time to serve untilthe special election.
“I’m proud to be able to continue the work Jerry so loved,” shesaid. “I think together, this board can make a positive differencein the education of our children and grandchildren.”
The board also had to approve salaries for the two new leaders.An annual salary of $84,500 was approved for Brister with Coon toreceive the same salary as other board members, $200 per month.
In addition to Brister and Coon, other leadership changes weremade Monday. The board annually rotates its offices at the firstmeeting of the year.
Vice President Johnny Hart, who had been serving as actingpresident since Mr. Coon’s death in April, became the actualpresident Monday. Hart represents District Two.
District Three Board Member Joann Holmes was chosen as vicepresident, and District Five Board Member Brenda Warren will serveas secretary.
Brister’s election as superintendent left a vacancy in theprincipal’s office at Loyd Star Attendance Center. RichelleRatcliff, the elementary principal, will move into Brister’s formeroffice to finish out the year. She will receive a $43,870 salary inthat position.
Former teacher and coach Roe Burns, who retired, has returned tofinish out the year as elementary principal at Loyd Star. Burnswill receive the district’s standard maximum long-term substitutepay, $60 per day.
Those positions will become vacant again at the end of theschool year, Hart said, and the district will accept applicationsfor a permanent hire there.
Ratcliff and Burns will be eligible to apply for those positionson a permanent basis at that time if they choose to, he said.