Ward 3 special election important for entire city
Published 6:00 am Monday, January 19, 2004
Interest is picking up in special election to fill a vacancy onthe Brookhaven Board of Aldermen.
So far, four citizens have qualified or expressed an interest inbecoming Ward Three alderman after former officer holder the Rev.Jerry L. Wilson was elected the county’s District One supervisor.The winner of the special election, scheduled for Feb. 10, willserve through June 2005.
Holding any position in a governing body is an important andinfluential role.
We encourage any Ward Three resident who would like to be avoice for their friends and neighbors to consider seeking theoffice. The deadline to qualify is Jan. 30.
Also vital is the citizens of Ward Three taking an interest inthe election and participating by voting for the candidate of theirchoice. When a candidate asks for your vote, find out how he or shestands on issues that are of concern to you and important for thecity.
The winner is will help shape the city’s future for at least thenext year and a half. And that’s a decision that should not betaken lightly.