Lipsey principal plans retirement
Published 6:00 am Thursday, January 29, 2004
City school board members learned Tuesday of the upcomingretirement of Lipsey Middle School Principal Rita Rich.
Superintendent Dr. Sam Bounds informed board members of Rich’sdecision in an executive session following their monthlymeeting,
“She has been absolutely wonderful. She’s given 30 years of herlife to the Brookhaven School District. She will be greatlymissed,” said Bounds.
In a phone interview Wednesday morning, Rich said the decisionto retire at the end of the school year was made “with mixedemotions.”
“When do you stop? I could always go one more year, but rightnow my health is OK, and you never know when it won’t be,” shesaid.
Rich has a 42-year career in education, ranging in positionsfrom elementary teacher to assistant principal to principal.
Along with her service to the Brookhaven School District, from1974 to 2004, she worked almost 10 years in Louisiana schools andtwo years at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School.
“I’ve dedicated my life to children, and I’ve loved it,” said anemotional Rich.
Rich said retirement would be quite an adjustment, but she doesplan to work part-time in education. She also hopes to continue herservice to the community through volunteer work, something she hasbeen involved in all her life.
“I’ll also be able to spend more time with my family inLouisiana,” she said, mentioning her mother, children, siblings andgrandchildren.
Rich was thankful for a career filled with “wonderful memories,”whether created by people she worked with or the students sheinfluenced.
She worked in the classroom until 1979 when she became assistantprincipal at Alexander Junior High School, a position she held forfour years. Rich started her administrative work under theleadership of the late John Dow. She credits his training for hersuccesses.
Rich also worked four years at the central office, eight yearsas principal at Brookhaven Elementary School and one year asprincipal at Mamie Martin Elementary School. She has been principalof Lipsey for eight years.