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Deer season extended

Drill planned to gauge emergency readiness

Published 6:00 am Monday, February 16, 2004

Brookhaven and Lincoln County emergency officials are once againplanning a drill to test their readiness to respond to a disasterin the area.

“It’s going to involve all emergency services,” said CliffordGaley, Brookhaven-Lincoln County Civil Defense director, about theupcoming activity.

Galey did not say when the drill would be held. He said citizensneeded to be aware that it would be happening and should not bealarmed.

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“We’re going to be having one in the very near future,” Galeysaid. “We didn’t want them to be upset when they see all theemergency vehicles going to the same place.”

Galey also did not provide many details about the planneddrill.

However, as with some drills in past years, he said it isexpected to simulate a disaster at a local industry. Past drillshave simulated terrorist attacks and dangerous chemical spills.

The drills are part of the certification process for someemergency agencies.

Galey said they test emergency response agencies’ coordinationand their ability to communicate and work with other responders.Following the drill, emergency response officials gather toevaluate the results.

“It hopefully will stress the good parts and address theweaknesses,” Galey said.