Robert C. “Bob” Brown

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Services for Robert C. “Bob” Brown of Jackson are 11 a.m.,Wednesday, Feb. 18, at Baldwin-Lee Funeral Directors Chapel withburial in Lakewood South.

Visitation is Tuesday from 4-8 p.m., at the funeral home.

Mr. Brown, 72, died Feb. 16, 2004, at his residence.

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He was an electrician, and had worked for the City of Jackson asa traffic engineer. He was a native of Bogue Chitto, and had livedin Jackson most of his life. He was an Army veteran, having servedin Korea. He was a member of Alta Woods Baptist Church.

Survivors are his wife, Mary Helen Brown of Jackson; hisdaughters, Nancy Pierce of Richland, and Lynda Collins ofGreenwood, Ind.; his sons, Robert C. “Bobby” Brown Jr. of Raymond,and Tim Brown of Jackson; his sisters, Eva Nell Patterson of Terry,Lena Culpepper of Bogalusa, La., and Barbara King of Bogue Chitto;his twin brother, Bill Brown of Osyka; his other brothers, WinstonWallace of Bogue Chitto, and Malcom Wallace of Baton Rouge, La.;six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.