Citizens’ help sought in cleanup
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Citizens are again being asked to help keep Lincoln Countybeautiful during this year’s Great American Cleanup in April andearly May.
Jane Kees, chairwoman for the annual project, said the Gold inthe Litter campaign begins Thursday and will go through April 18.In the campaign, gold eggs containing coupons for prizes are hiddenin littered places around the county as an incentive for citizensto participate.
“We’ve got some real nice gifts,” Kees said. “If they find anegg, it’s going to be worth more than in the past.”
Among the gifts are two $50 savings bonds, dinners to localrestaurants and coupons for prizes at other local businesses. Keessaid each egg will have two to four coupons.
Kees said approximately 40 eggs will be placed around the countyand in the city. She said they will be put out by Wednesday.
“We’ve done the best we could to spread them equally through thecounty,” Kees said.
Anyone who finds an egg can turn it into the chancery clerk’soffice to claim the prize. Kees said coupons will need to beredeemed by April 30.
Also, as part of the Great American Cleanup campaign, dumpsterswill be placed in designated areas in each of the five supervisordistricts on weekends in April and early May. The dumpster usage isbeing covered by a grant from the Department of EnvironmentalQuality, Kees said.
Kees said there will be one dumpster per district per weekend.Ronnie Durr, Lincoln County Solid Waste coordinator, is identifyingareas where the dumpsters will be placed and passing out fliers tonotify citizens, she said.
Civic groups, church groups, schools and citizens are beingencouraged to pick an area and clean it up during the campaign.
Trash bags are available at the District Two county barn on OldHighway 51. Following the clean-up effort, the bags can be droppedoff at the county barn.
“I think it’s going to be a good campaign,” Kees said.