New Co-Lin building will honor 2
Published 6:00 am Friday, April 2, 2004
WESSON – Copiah-Lincoln Community College’s new InstructionalTechnology Building will be named for former long-time trustees thelate John Dow and L.G. Young, school leaders decided Thursday.
Eugene Bates, board of trustees chairman, said the buildingnaming committee considered a lengthy list of nominees butunanimously and enthusiastically voted to recommend the for honorDow and Young.
“I think the honor is well-deserved by both of theseindividuals,” Bates said.
Dow, of Brookhaven, served a total of 20 years on the Co-LinBoard of Trustees, from 1974-1985 and from January 1988-1997.
Away from Co-Lin, his long career in education began as ateacher and coach at Alexander High School. After serving asprincipal at Mullins Elementary and Alexander Junior High School,Dow was assistant superintendent of school from 1981 until hisretirement in 1986.
Young represented Franklin County on the board of trustees fromOctober 1977 until his retirement in April 2001. In his 24 years,Young served as chairman of the budget and finance committee and asboard secretary during his last 11 years on the panel.
Young was an agriculture teacher at Shannon High School from1950-1956. At West Lincoln, he was an agriculture teacher from1956-1967 and principal 1967-1970 and he served as vocationaldirector for Franklin County Schools for 16 years until hisretirement in 1980.
Bates recalled many good-natured discussions between the twomen, with Dow taking one side of an issue and Young the other.
“These two men were the very best of friends,” Bates said.
Co-Lin President Dr. Howell Garner echoed Bates’ comments. Hesaid Dow and Young were close friends and were dedicated to theboard of trustees.
“These two people are very deserving of this honor,” Garnersaid.
Trustees scheduled John Dow/L.G. Young Building dedicationservices for Thursday, Sept. 2, at 2 p.m. Garner said Young and hisfamily and members of Dow’s family will be invited to attend.
In other building recognition activity, trustees voted totransfer honors given to Frank Hunter and James Lewis from vacatedfacilities in Smith Hall to those in the Dow/Young Building.
A learning center has been named for the late Hunter, a formeracademic dean of the school. A language and math lab has been namedfor Lewis, who was principal of Co-Lin High School and laterregistrar for the college.
“We feel it would be appropriate to transfer those honors to thenew facility,” Garner said.
Also, one of the building’s computer labs will be named forMaurice Cammack and another for Dr. Roy Daughdrill.
Cammack was the college’s first director of computer technology,and Daughdrill was the school’s long-time math division chairman.Garner said both men were instrumental in putting Co-Lin on theright track in terms of computer equipment and technologyinstruction.
Regarding construction of the $3.1 million building, Garner saidit is coming along well. The building is scheduled to be turnedover to the college on Aug. 17, although Garner said constructionmay be a day or two behind due to earlier bad weather.
“It’s on target and beginning to take shape,” Garner said.
In other board activity Thursday, Garner updated trustees on thestatus of legislative budget discussions in Jackson. He said it didnot appear that the college would get back to the funding level ithas this year.
“Both the House and Senate are way behind in community collegefunding,” Garner said.
A House plan would leave Co-Lin about $246,000 short while aSenate plan would leave the school over $795,000 short, Garnersaid. He explained that the two plans have different funding levelsfor different functions and services provided by the college.
Garner said, however, that the session is not over. He saidlawmakers have until early May to arrive at a budget.
“It will go down to the wire,” Garner said.
Garner said he would be meeting with the board’s budgetcommittee and present recommendations to trustees once more isknown. He was hopeful that current-year funding would be provided,but he indicated even that would require some budget action.
“It’s going to be serious if we’re at zero (funding growth),”Garner said.
Dr. Steve Wells, chairman of the board’s budget and financecommittee, spoke about higher funding for K-12 schools, includingrevenue for teacher raises. He indicated the importance of havingall state education areas funded.
“It looks to me like there’s not unity in terms of fundingeducation…,” Wells said. “It looks like some may be rewarded atthe expense of others.”
Jack McAlpin, Simpson County Superintendent of Education, saidcommunity college instructors’ salaries are closer to thesoutheastern average than those in K-12 and at the universitylevel. He said education funding was a “tough issue.”
“I hope we don’t end up with K-12 on one side, communitycolleges on one side and IHL on the other side,” McAlpin said.
With funding in question, Wells said the college may have toconsider capping enrollment or some other action regarding teachersand raises.
“That’s just not a good position to be in,” Wells said.
Trustees were encouraged to contact legislators in their areasand express their concerns about funding for communitycolleges.
“We can only hope for favorable outcomes for all stake holdersin the education arena,” Bates said.