Obituaries for Friday, April 2
Published 6:00 am Friday, April 2, 2004
Ben Russell Blakeney
Services for Ben Russell Blakeney of Monticello were 11 a.m.,Friday, April 2, at Monticello Methodist Protestant Church withburial in Bethshan Cemetery. Wilson Funeral Home was in charge ofarrangements.
Mr. Blakeney, 67, died March 30, 2004, at his residence. He wasborn in Smith County on June 22, 1936, to Butch Blakeney and MinnieRussell Blakeney.
He was a retired maintenance scheduler with St. Regis PaperCompany. He was past president of Monticello Lions Club, chairmanof the Lawrence County Republican Party, recipient of the ExchangeClub Golden Deeds Award and vice president and charter member ofthe “Tater Chip Gang.” He was a member of Gideon Camp, DawseyCooking Team, Wahabi Shriners Club. He was election commissionerfor Monticello and was active in the Lawrence County BaseballAssociation. He was a member of Monticello Methodist ProtestantChurch, where he was a men’s Sunday school teacher and member ofthe board of trustees.
Preceding him in death were his parents.
Survivors are his wife, Ann Blakeney of Monticello; hisdaughters and son-in-law, Bridgett and Billy Fraysier ofMonticello, and Amy Blakeney of Millbrook, Ala.; his son anddaughter-in-law, Brad and Janie Blakeney of Monticello; and hisgrandchildren, Kara and Aaron Blakeney and Byron and BrentFraysier.
Memorials may be made to the Gideons or Monticello M.P.Church.
Bobby Earl Johnson
Services for Bobby Earl Johnson of Brookhaven are 2:30 p.m.,Monday, April 5, at Avery Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Churchwith burial in Carver Heights Cemetery.
Mr. Johnson, 58, died March 30, 2004, at Hospice Ministries inRidgeland. He was born in Baton Rouge, La., on Nov. 7, 1945.
He was a retired truck driver, and was a member of Avery Chapel.He was a 1964 graduate of Alexander High School and a 1966 graduateof Utica Junior College. He also attended Jackson StateUniversity.
Preceding him in death were his adoptive parents, Isaac andWillie Mae Johnson; a brother, Donald Ray Jones; and his godmother,Ernestine Johnson.
Survivors are his wife, Shirley Johnson of Brookhaven; hismother, Mary Peterson of Seattle, Wash.; his father, Denon Jones ofOgden, Utah; his daughters, Lisa Emerson of Meridian, Tonya Jones,LaTosha Johnson and Tamara Johnson, all of Brookhaven, ShaylaJohnson of Fort Polk, La., and Tanisha Romero of Salt Lake City,Utah; his sons, Ruben Johnson of Roy, Utah, Ronald Johnson ofOgden, and Bobby Johnson of Atlanta, Ga.; his sons-in-law, KennyEmerson of Meridian, and Bobby Romero of Salt Lake City; hissisters, Joyce Parker of Brookhaven, Valerie Love of Summit,Virginia Ghana of California, and Linda Jones and Rita Sanchez,both of Seattle, Wash.; and his brothers, Samuel Banks of Jackson,and Terry Jones, Kim Jones, Michael Green and Patrick Sanchez, allof Seattle.