Loyd Star athletes in all sports honored

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, May 12, 2004

WESSON — Loyd Star seniors Sarah Lofton and Justin Russell wererecipients of the Scholastic Award Tuesday night during theathletic banquet before a packed crowd at the Billy B. ThamesCenter on the Co-Lin campus.

Loyd Star head football/baseball coach Sidney Wheatley receiveda standing ovation from appreciative players and fans. Wheatley hastaken another coaching position on the Gulf Coast.

Wheatley’s successor, head football coach Wade Henderson, wasintroduced at the end of the banquet as was new athletic directorBilly Vaughn.

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Selected as Most Valuable Players were Blake Windham, golf; JonGoldman, boys tennis; Mindy Morse, girls tennis; Sarah Lofton,cheerleading; Caroline Burke, girls fastpitch softball; MatthewDelaughter, baseball; Jared Britt, boys basketball; Maggi Sellars,girls soccer; Brent Fielder, boys soccer; Matthew Delaughter,football and Michael Britt, powerlifting.

Loyd Star Athletic Banquet

Golf — Most Improved, Andrew Bodin. TeamCaptain, Chris Hester. Senior Award/Rookie of the Year, Sam Ellett.Most Valuable Player, Blake Windham.

Tennis — Best Male Player, Jon Goldman. BestFemale Player, Mindy Morse. Best Doubles Players, Joey Ratcliff-Jeffie Smith. Most Improved Female Player, Blair Wall. MostImproved Male Player, L.Z. Collins. Leadership Award, Erica Smith.Hornet Award, Haley Britt. Coaches Award, Brandi Vaughn.

Cheerleaders — Senior Co-Captain, SarahLofton, Deborah Stringer. Senior Plaques, Nicole Sones, SarahLofton, Deborah Stringer. Leadership Award, Brittany Thornton. MostImproved, Emily Lucas. Most Dependable, Sarah Jones. Best Attitude,Deborah Stringer. Most Spirited, Krystal Irvin. Sponsor Award,Carlie Smith, Nicole Sones. Scholastic Award, Ashley Freeman. BestAll-Around, Sarah Lofton.

Fastpitch Softball — Senior Awards, NikkiHunsucker, Ashton Williams. All-Division, Caroline Burke. MostImproved, Abby Delaughter. Best Batting Average, Nikki Hunsucker.Golden Glove, Amber Restivo. Rookie of the Year, Brittany Beeson.Coaches Award, Ashton Williams. Will-to-Win Award, Kristen Newell,Shara Johnson, Caroline Burke, Amber Restivo, Brittany Beeson. MostValuable Player, Caroline Burke.

Baseball — Senior Awards, Jared Britt, DavidCuevas, Cody Cunningham, Matthew Delaughter, Lee Newell, BlakePorter, Josh Reed. Most Outstanding Pitcher, Jared Britt, JustinWhatley. Most Valuable Offensive Player, Matthew Delaughter. MostValuable Defensive Player, Tyler Williford. Most Improved OffensivePlayer, Patrick Holcomb, Tyler Williford. Hornet Award, CodyCunningham. Sting Award, David Cuevas. Rookie of the Year Award,Austin Fagan. Rickey Smith Award, Blake Porter. Most ImprovedDefensive Player, Lee Newell. Most Valuable Player, MatthewDelaughter.

Boys Basketball — Senior Awards, Jared Britt,Sidney Chester, Rufus Humphries, Jonathan Smith. All-Lincoln Co.Team, Tyler Williford, Rufus Humphries, Sidney Chester, JaredBritt. All District Most Valuable Player, Jared Britt. All-DistrictTeam, Jared Britt, Tyler Williford. Most Improved Player, KordaeOtis, Dewayne Branning. Best Attitude, Sidney Chester. Team Spirit,Jonathan Smith. Best Rebounder, Jared Britt. Most Aggressive, RufusHumphries. Mr. Hustle, Jared Britt. Best Free Throw Shooter, SidneyChester. Rookie of the Year, Tyler Williford. Most Valuable Player,Jared Britt.

Girls Basketball — Senior Awards, SarahLofton, Ashton Williams. All-District Awards, Jordan Britt, SharaJohnson. All-South State, Hailey Ratcliff. Best Defensive Player,Sarah Lofton. Best Offensive Player, Shara Johnson. ReboundingAward, Ashton Williams. Playmaker Award, Jordan Britt. Miss Hustle,Sarah Lofton. Lady Hornet Award, Amanda Smith. Most Improved,Hailey Ratcliff.

Girls Soccer — Senior Awards, Nikki Hunsucker,Maggi Sellers, Nicole Sones, Jennifer Thomas. Most ValuableDefensive Player, Darla Harris. Most Valuable Offensive Player,Haley Jones. Most Improved Player, Jaime Benge. Best Attitude,Laura Jackson. Most Valuable Player, Maggi Sellers.

Boys Soccer — Senior Awards, Cody Cunningham,Ken Smith. Most Valuable Defensive Player, Scott Farmer. MostValuable Offensive Player, Nicholas James. Sportsmanship Award,Jason Nix. Team Leadership Award, Cody Cunningham. Most ValuablePlayer, Brent Fielder.

Football — MAC 2nd Team All-State, MatthewDelaughter. Most Valuable Defensive Player, Most Valuable OffensivePlayer, Matthew Delaughter. Most Outstanding Offensive Lineman,Jonathan Smith. Most Outstanding Defensive Lineman, Justin Russell,Barry Roberts. Most Outstanding Running Back, Juron Collins, JoshTownsend. Most Outstanding Defensive Back, Derek Smith. MostOutstanding Linebacker, Michael Britt. Most Outstanding SpecialTeams, Justin Whatley. Mr. Sack Award, Josh Reed. Most ImprovedPlayer, Blake Cain, Shawn Broxson. Most Improved Back, KyleWoolley. Rookie Award, Garry Johnson. Hornet Award, Duane Britt.Sting Award, Jared Reid. Roe Burns Award, Sam Ellett. HendersonAward, Daniel Calcote. Most Improved Player, Rex Buie. Big HitterAward, William Hill. Most Valuable Player, Matthew Delaughter.

Powerlifting — Freshman Award, Phillip Maher.Most Improved, Blake Cain. Co-Captain Award, Daniel Calcote,William Hill. Most Valuable Lifter, Michael Britt.

Scholar Athlete Award — Girls Award, SarahLofton. Boys Award, Justin Russell.