Candidates discuss office duties, functions

Published 5:00 am Monday, May 17, 2004

* What do you see as the main role of the city clerk’s office inthe operation of Brookhaven’s government?

Mandy Sproles Dann: The city clerk’s office is responsible forall budgetary and fiscal matters for the city of Brookhaven, aswell as the record keeping aspects for the city and the city’sboard. Its function is vital in assuring that Brookhaven stick toits budget as well as abide by all the applicable laws andregulations.

Michael Jinks: Although the city clerk has manyresponsibilities in city government, watching over propermanagement of the city’s finances is the most important. The cityclerk handles all city financial transactions and records, as wellas preparing the budget each year. Bond issues and financial grantsare also handled by the city clerk.The city clerk is responsiblefor seeing the city court and water department offices are properlyoperated. The city clerk must work with the mayor, board ofaldermen, department heads and other elected officials to see thatthe city’s finances stay within budget and in compliance with stateand federal law.

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* Explain what you would do to ensure the city clerk’soffice is operated in the most effective and most efficientmanner.

Mandy Sproles Dann: Primarily it is importantthat everyone working in the city clerk’s office keep in mind thatwe are, in essence, employees of the citizens of Brookhaven andthat it is our responsibility to perform our jobs to the best ofour abilities while at the same time being pleasant and courteousto all we come into contact with. To operate most effectively andefficiently, any office must have a staff that communicates andgets along well with one another. Should I be elected, I would wantto assure that my co-workers and I develop a good team and that wehave open doors of communications, as I would rely on them greatlyduring the transition period.

Michael Jinks: I will continue to staff theoffice with qualified personnel and see that citizens who come intoor call the office are treated with courtesy. I will work tomaintain good communication with other officials of the city. Iwill begin training employees in the city clerk’s office on theother jobs in the office, so if one employee is out of the office,the work will go on.

* What qualifications do you have that should makevoters choose you over your opponent?

Mandy Sproles Dann: Over the past 24 years, Ihave worked for several businesses in office management and havedealt regularly with the accounts payable, budgets, personnel,payroll and record keeping functions of these businesses. Once Iset my mind to a task, I usually accomplish it, and i am confidentI can master the responsibilities required of Brookhaven’s cityclerk. Plus, I genuinely love this town and would be very honoredto serve the citizens of Brookhaven in this capacity.

Michael Jinks: Ten years experience in the office and theability to perform every job in the office; a thorough knowledge ofthe city’s budget and budget-making process; a total of 26 yearsexperience in accounting, both municipal and business; over 100hours training with the Mississippi Municipal Clerks CertificationTraining Program; certification from the Mississippi Secretary ofState’s office in municipal elections.