City OKs veterans’ parade

Published 5:00 am Thursday, May 20, 2004

Hoping to learn the outcome of a special election for mayor andcity clerk, Brookhaven aldermen quickly moved through a routineboard meeting agenda Tuesday night.

In the lone appearance of the evening, aldermen approved a May29 parade in conjunction with Memorial Day.

The parade will start at 10 a.m. in downtown near the MilitaryMemorial Museum. This year’s parade will remember Prisoners of Warand those Missing in Action, said Chad Smith, museumco-founder.

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“We’re going to try to make that the theme of the parade thisyear,” Smith said.

Museum co-founder Paul Jackson said 1,163 people had visited themuseum in the last year.


In other business, aldermen agreed to install a curb on WestChickasaw Street in front of the Brookhaven Church of God, south ofthe new Walgreens. Ward Four Alderman Bob Massengill said the drugstore’s parking lot is being paved, and he expressed concerns aboutwater runoff from the property.

“If we don’t do something, those folks are going to have waterin their church every time it rains,” said Massengill, adding thatWalgreens had agreed to do curb work on the north side of ChickasawStreet.

Massengill said one private contractor estimate for the work was$2,870. The board discussed having street department personnel dothe work so that only the materials cost would be involved.

Church officials are also looking at moving the church’sentrance east on West Chickasaw Street.


Also Tuesday, city officials briefly discussed the possibilityof using county jail inmates to assist with Solid Waste Departmentactivities.

When the crews work in the county, they are supervised by a lawenforcement official, said City Attorney Joe Fernald. He suggesteda similar arrangement would be needed for city work.

“I think the people of the city want somebody out theresupervising them besides your crew,” Fernald told Solid WasteDepartment Superintendent Willie Smith.

Fernald said he would speak with Sheriff Wiley Calcote about thesituation.


In routine agenda items, aldermen questioned several invoicesfrom Engineering Associates for city work. The invoices totaledover $31,800.

Ward One Alderman Dorsey Cameron questioned why the city waspaying for engineering reviews of private developments, including asubdivision and a recreational club.

Building Inspector Steve Moreton said the city had been gettingengineering reviews of several development plans. Also, Fernaldsaid it would be prudent to get reviews to make sure subdivisionstreets and other services are built to city regulations.

Aldermen voted to pay most of the invoices. However, they heldup on a $1,000 invoice for “miscellaneous/general engineering”after city officials could not identify where the expense wasincurred.


The board and cemetery officials went into executive session todiscuss a personnel issue. Following the closed meeting, the boardtook no action, but officials said there would be a personnelhearing at the next meeting.

Tuesday’s meeting was abbreviated due to the day’s specialelection for mayor and city clerk.

Mayor Pro Tem Terry Bates, who has filled in since Mayor BillGodbold’s resignation last month, expressed appreciation to cityemployees for their assistance. He also called for support for thenew mayor.

“Whoever fills this seat, I’m hoping we’ll get in there behindthem,” Bates said.

Massengill was elected mayor in Tuesday’s special election andis expected to be sworn in one day next week. Mike Jinks waselected city clerk in the special election and was scheduled to besworn in Thursday morning.