Franklin girls finish third
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, July 20, 2004
CARTHAGE — Making their first appearance in the 9 and 10-yearold State Dixie Youth Softball Tournament, the Franklin CountyDiamond Girls made the most of their trip by finishing thirdoverall. The team was eliminated Monday night by Hancock-Harrison11-10 at Carthage’s McMillian Park.
Powered by Kim Wilson’s triple and single, the Franklin Countygirls led Hancock-Harrison the majority of the night.Hancock-Harrison staged a rally in the late innings to end FranklinCounty’s tournament run.
Franklin County hurler Mildred Stark absorbed the loss on themound, striking out four batters.
“We got beat, but give these girls a few years and they will beright back here,” said Franklin County assistant coach Pam Rushing.”Our team played their hearts out and never gave up.”
The 9 and 10-year old ladies beat Corinth in the first round27-12 behind excellent team hitting.
Tony Mullins served as head coach for Franklin. Mullins wasassisted by Rushing, Lavell Good and Sammy Rushing.
“Everyone just flat out hit the ball in game one,” addedRushing. “Everybody had multiple hits. It was a real goodgame.”
The team than lost to tournament host Carthage in round two,before being up ended by Hancock-Harrison in the semi-finals.
Playing on the team were Stark, Wilson, Karlee Mullins, SarahCase, Morgan Murray, Latorya Griffin, Toni Robinson, VintriceBriggs, Keirra Collins and Layla Williamson.
The tournament hosted eight teams from around the state. It wasunder the double-elimination format. Carthage and Hancock-Harrisonwill play for the championship tonight starting at 6:00 p.m.