Sales tax returns top $4 million; up about 6 percent
Published 5:00 am Friday, July 23, 2004
Brookhaven’s share of sales tax collections topped the $4million mark for the state fiscal year that ended last month,according to totals from the Mississippi Tax Commission.
At $4,071,327.17, Brookhaven’s yearly collections were up morethan $243,000 over last year’s $3,827,966.91. That represented anapproximately 6 percent increase for the state fiscal year thatwent from July 1, 2003 through June 30, 2004.
“There’s a lot of great things happening in our economy now,”said Chandler Russ, Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce.”The sales tax numbers are one indication that things are goingwell.”
Russ cited construction activity going on around town plusseveral new business and retail openings as other examples of astrong economy.
For June 2004, Brookhaven’s sales tax total was $341,716.32.That was up more than $15,000 over last June’s $326,227.85 andplaced the city just outside the state’s Top 20 at number 21.
“We were up right at 5 percent compared to June last year,” Russsaid. “Things are really moving forward now.”
For the upcoming months, Russ said July totals, which representsales in June, are historically low. He said back to school salesare targeted toward the end of July and in August, and he expectedbetter numbers then.
“After that, I think you’ll see a nice bump and the numberscontinue to rise,” Russ said.
Like Brookhaven, several other area communities topped milestonenumbers in their fiscal year collections.
The state fiscal year differs from municipalities’ schedules inthat city fiscal years go from Oct. 1 through Sept. 30. Budgets arebased on the fiscal year and sales tax collections represent asignificant portion of many cities’ spending plans.
In Lawrence County, Monticello finished ahead in fiscal year todate collections with $400,267.83 in 2004 compared to $381,098.76in 2003. Monticello merchants took in $32,690.48 for the city’sshare of June 2004 sales tax, which was up almost $2,000 from June2003’s $30,895.88.
In Franklin County, Meadville topped the $100,000 mark at$100,509.48 this year while it had $96,562.02 at the same pointlast year. For June, town merchants took in $8,129.39 in June 2004,down a little from June 2003 with $8,547.99.
Also in Franklin County, Bude businesses rang up $10,814.28 inJune for the town, a slight decrease from June 2003’s $11,242.18.The town ended ahead of its fiscal year to date pace, with$95,679.18 in 2004 and $90,749.99 last year.
In other parts of southwest Mississippi, McComb collected$423,887.92 as its share of June sales tax.
McComb’s June 2004 total, which placed the city 18th instatewide rankings, represented an increase of approximately$35,330 over the June 2003 total of $351,904.74. For the fiscalyear, McComb had $4,685,887.75 in 2004 and $4,353,218.90 at thesame point in 2003.
Wesson businesses’ June sales tax collections were up to$9,048.43, a healthy increase over the $6,447.62 last June. Infiscal year to date collections, the town had $127,347.63 for 2004and $104,162.82 in 2003.