Brookhaven schools release 2004-05 bus routes
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, August 3, 2004
The Brookhaven School District has identified school bus routesfor the 2004-05 school year.
Bus #149 – Roxie Smith, driver – Choctaw St.,Second St., Cloverdale, Hamilton St., Williams St., Furr Ave.,Franklin St., Pennington St. Schools this bus serves: Martin,Lipsey, Brookhaven Elementary and Alexander Jr. High.
Bus # 152 – Michelle Knight, driver – Handicapbus.
Bus #157 – Robert Lloyd, driver – Cherokee St.,Chippewa St., Egypt Circle, Grenn St., Hamilton St., Lottie St.,Middleton St., Minerva St., Turner St., Washington St. Schools thisbus serves: Martin, Brookhaven Elementary and Lipsey. This bus willtake children to the Boy’s and Girl’s Club from Lipsey and Martinschools.
Bus #158 – Will Watson, driver – Laird Circle,Ann St., Brookhaven St., Brookhaven Apartments, Brookwood Dr.,Congress St., Country Village Apts., East Meadowbrook, Field LarkLn. (outside city limits), Gleason Loop, Hartman St., Linton St.,Union St., W. Meadowbrook St. Schools this bus serves: Martin,Lipsey, Brookhaven Elementary, Alexander Jr. High and BrookhavenHigh School.
Bus #160 – Jerrel Quinn, driver – George St.,pick up children on both sides of road to the courthouse, JonesSt., Ole Brook Rd. at city limits, S. First St. Schools this busserves: Martin, Lipsey, Brookhaven Elementary, Alexander Jr. Highand Brookhaven High School.
Bus #161 – Brady White, driver – E. EnterpriseSt., Main St., Old Hwy. 51, Poplar St., Railroad St., Weems St.,Tarver Ln., Friendship Ln., Heucks Retreat Rd. to Clark Travis Ln.,Lake Lincoln Dr. Schools this bus serves: Martin, Lipsey,Brookhaven Elementary, Alexander Jr. High and Brookhaven HighSchool.
Bus #162 – Veeva White, driver – E. HighlandDr., W. Highland Dr., Rushing St., Hwy. 84 E., Elbert Loop, DadeLn., Shivers Loop, Branch Ln., Big Springs Dr., Fair RiverCommunity – outside city limits. Schools this bus serves: Martin,Lipsey, Brookhaven Elementary School, Alexander Jr. High andBrookhaven High School.
Bus #163 – James Monroe Smith, driver – AmiteRd., Brignal Rd. and Brignal Subdivision, Broad St., Browns Loop,Bryant St., Carter St., Dixie Rd., Ellis Rd., Howard Dr., MadisonRd., Mason St. Schools this bus serves: Martin, BrookhavenElementary and Lipsey.
Bus #164 – Charles Richardson, driver – DissaSt., E. Minnesota St., Egypt Circle, Funchess Ave., Hamilton St.,Lewis St., Lottie St., Marr St., Penn St., Rance Subdivision, S.Washington St., Williams St. Schools this bus serves: Martin,Brookhaven Elementary and Brookhaven High School. This bustransports students to Cornerstone Daycare from Martin andBrookhaven Elementary.
Bus #165 – Selesia Hammond, driver – Adams St.,corner of Congress St., Ingram St., Lipsey St., Molly St., N.Jackson St., Rogers Circle, Union St. Schools this bus serves:Lipsey, Brookhaven Elementary, Alexander Jr. High and BrookhavenHigh School.
Bus #166 – Willie Nelson, driver – Dillon,Greenwood, Hwy. 583, Martin Ave., Southgate, Ty Ln., LakewoodVillage. Schools this bus serves: Martin, Lipsey, BrookhavenElementary, Alexander Jr. High and Brookhaven High School.
Bus # 167 – Jo Dell Robinson, driver -Brookhaven Apts., Dunn-Ratcliff Rd., Ford Rd., Industrial Rd., NewHope Rd., North Haven Apts., Old Red Star Rd., Cade Ln., Union St.,outside of city limits. Schools this bus serves: Martin, Lipsey,Brookhaven Elementary, Alexander Jr. High and Brookhaven HighSchool.
Bus #168 – Danny Hammond, driver – BaldwinLoop, Belmont Rd., Earl Trail., Forest Trail., Hwy. 51 N., JuniorTrail, Montgomery Ln., New Sight Rd., Old St. John Church Rd.,Pandora Ln., Portman Trail, Truvillion Rd. Schools this bus serves:Martin, Lipsey, Brookhaven Elementary, Alexander Jr. High andBrookhaven High School.
Bus #169 – Bonnie Knight, driver – Handicappedbus.
Bus #170 – Shelia King, driver – E. MonticelloSt., E. Chippewa St., N. Jackson St., Penn St., S. Cleveland St.,S. Smylie St., Spruce St., Walnut St., W. Chickasaw St., W.Minnesota St. Schools this bus serves: Martin, Lipsey, BrookhavenElementary School and Alexander Jr. High.
Bus #171 – Beth Edwards, driver – New VisionDaycare, Avalon, Boyte Rd., China Grove Dr., E. Lincoln Rd., GillRd., Marrs Rd., Rogers Ln., Sky St., Sykes Ln., Union Rd. Schoolsthis bus serves: Martin, Lipsey, Brookhaven Elementary School,Alexander Jr. High and Brookhaven High School.
Bus #172 – Sophia Lee, driver – Bay St.,Brister Loop, Brookway Blvd., Chestnut, Cowart, Crete Ln., Hwy 51S., Katie Trail, Saint Trail. Schools this bus serves: Martin,Lipsey, Brookhaven Elementary, Alexander Jr. High and BrookhavenHigh School.
Bus #173 – William Rutter, driver – DentonTrail, Doolittle, Drury Ln., Hwy. 84 W., Lakeview Arms Apts., MageeDr., Lofton Trail, Noble Dr., Palmetto, Spring Dr., Virginia Ave.,Watts Ln., Zetus Rd. Schools this bus serves: Martin, Lipsey,Brookhaven Elementary, Alexander Jr. High and Brookhaven HighSchool.
Bus #174 – Trent Berry, driver – Auburn Dr.,Blue Ln., Hwy. 51 S. to Auburn, Imperial Ln., Katie Trail, OldWesson Rd. Trailer Park, Otis Trail. Schools this bus serves:Martin, Lipsey, Brookhaven Elementary, Alexander Jr. High andBrookhaven High School.
Bus #175 – Pam Kirk, driver – Beeson Rd., BeltLine Dr., Big Spring Dr., Callendar Rd., Choctaw St., Clara St.,Haley Trail, Heucks Retreat Baptist Church, Old Malcolm Rd., OldWesson Rd., Rolling Hills Subdivision, Smith Lake Rd., Turpin Rd.Schools this bus serves: Martin, Lipsey, Brookhaven Elementary,Alexander Jr. High and Brookhaven High School. This bus transportsto Playtime Daycare from Lipsey and Martin.
Bus #176 – Connie Perkins, driver – Amite Rd.,Brignal Rd., Bristow Rd., Broad Rd., Browns Loop, Carter St.,Center St., Dixie Rd., Ellis Rd., Fortune Rd., Howard Rd., Hwy 51N., Madison Rd., Mason Rd., North Street Dr., Ready Mix Trail.Schools this bus serves: Martin and Alexander Jr. High.
Bus #177 – Vickie Dixon, driver – Autrey Ln.,Hopewell Community, McDavid Rd., Nola Rd., Old Malcolm Rd., WalleyLn. Schools this bus serves: Martin, Lipsey, Brookhaven Elementary,Alexander Jr. High and Brookhaven High School.
Bus #178 – Randy Merchant, driver – Green St.,Hog Chain Rd., Marwood Loop, River Rd., Sidney Trail., S. First St.Schools this bus serves: Martin, Lipsey, Brookhaven Elementary,Alexander Jr. High and Brookhaven High School.
Bus #179 – Rufus Harris, driver – E. CherokeeSt., East View Apts., Hamilton St., Independence St., MonticelloSt., N. Second St., Rushing St., Williams St. Schools this busserves: Martin, Lipsey, Brookhaven Elementary and Alexander Jr.High. This bus will take children to the Boy’s and Girl’s Club fromBrookhaven Elementary.
Bus #180 – Mark Upton, driver – Coopertown Rd.,Dickerson Village, Harmony Rd., Honey-Do-Trail, Nalco Rd., Old Hwy84, Pleasant Grove Rd., Townsend Rd. Schools this bus serves:Martin, Lipsey, Brookhaven Elementary, Alexander Jr. High andBrookhaven High School.
Bus #181 – Marcus Williams, driver – BrignalRd. to Brignal Subdivision. This bus serves Brookhaven High Schoolonly.
Bus #182 – Greg McNulty, driver – Brook Apts.,Cedar St., Lincoln Apts. on Old Wesson Rd., Old Wesson TrailerPark, Ozark Ln. Schools this bus serves: Martin, Lipsey, BrookhavenElementary, Alexander Jr. High and Brookhaven High School.
Bus #183 – Sybil Freeman, driver – BrookhavenSt., Church St., Halbert Heights Rd., Industrial Park Rd. TrailerPark, Mockingbird, N. Jackson, N. Smylie, N. Street Dr., PalmerSt., Spring Dr., Union St., Urban Ln., W. Chickasaw St. Schoolsthis bus serves: Martin, Lipsey, Brookhaven Elementary, AlexanderJr. High and Brookhaven High School.
Bus #184 – Ronnie Poole, driver – Beaugard St.,Bryant Ave., Dissa St., Dow St., Funchess Ave., Gullidge, LinseySt., Minnesota St., Old Brook Rd., Rance Subdivision, S. First St.,S. Second St., Washington St. Schools this bus serves: Martin,Brookhaven Elementary School and Lipsey.
Bus #186 – James Robinson, driver – BessonetteLn., Williams St., Crooked Ln., Hawk Trail, Hudson Ln., MallalieuLn., Roger Ln., Upton Ln., Bethel Rd. Schools this bus serves:Martin, Lipsey, Brookhaven Elementary, Alexander Jr. High andBrookhaven High School.