Grand jury indicts 23
Published 5:00 am Friday, August 6, 2004
A brief grand jury session this week resulted in 23 newindictments involving a routine variety of cases, according to thepanel’s interim report.
“We didn’t have a lot of indictments,” said Circuit Clerk TerryLynn Watkins.
In the two-day session that ended Tuesday, grand jurors heardfrom 31 witnesses and voted to issue 23 indictments. Watkins saidthe indictments dealt with several drug cases, an instance ofsexual battery and some property crimes.
“It was nothing out of the norm,” Watkins said.
Court officials are unable to discuss specifics regarding grandjury cases until the accused people are served with theirindictments. The sheriff’s department was in the process of servingthose this week.
Newly-indicted people are scheduled to be arraigned on theircharges Aug. 26 before Judge Mike Smith, Watkins said.
In other grand jury action, the panel continued 15 cases forfurther investigation and voted to not return an indictment in fourcases. No cases were returned to a lower court for furtherdisposition.
The grand jury, which met earlier in June, is scheduled toreturn Nov. 8.