Paving-funds holdup stirs contention, frustrations
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, September 8, 2004
Like many residents, Brookhaven officials are growingincreasingly frustrated over funding for a oft-delayed downtownpaving project.
At Tuesday’s board meeting, Mayor Bob Massengill and CityEngineer Carl Ray Furr disputed the expected release of the pavingmoney, and Alderman at large Les Bumgarner lashed out at statetransportation officials over the funding holdup. The city isawaiting over $400,000 in federal funds that have been frozen amidMississippi Department of Transportation budget concerns.
Furr last night said he was told by MDOT officials Fridayafternoon that the money would be released. He indicated the citycould move forward on the paving project soon.
“Hopefully, we can set a date to advertise that in the nearfuture,” Furr said.
Massengill, who met Friday with Southern District TransportationCommissioner Wayne Brown, said his understanding was that the fundswould not be released until the end of the month at the earliest.He also mentioned an issue over revision of engineering plans andthat the project could still be several months away, possibly intothe spring.
Brown said Friday morning that the city’s funds were being heldin abeyance. He said paving project plans are currently underreview by MDOT.
“It is certainly my hope to release some or all of it (thepaving money) by the time the plan review is completed,” saidBrown, who mentioned the commission meeting later this month.
Last night, Furr maintained the project could be done in thefall.
“I don’t think there’ll be any unnecessary delays,” Furrsaid.
Later in the meeting, Bumgarner accused the state transportationcommission of holding up taxpayers’ money. He voiced anger over thehow long it has taken for the paving project, which has been in theworks for several years.
“We’d have never torn up downtown Brookhaven if we knew it wouldhave been this much trouble,” Bumgarner said.
Massengill agreed with the alderman regarding the delays, amongthem a handicap-access study, in the project. The mayor said hestill thinks the project will take some time to complete.
“We all feel this should have been done this time a year ago,”said Massengill, adding that he thought Brown was supportive of themoving the project forward.
Bumgarner said two members of the three-member transportationcommission were freezing funds for projects.
“Those people need to be replaced if they don’t start turningloose some money,” Bumgarner said.
In other paving matters, Furr said a Center Street projectshould be able to move forward as soon as a work order is secured.He expected that project could be done in the fall as well.
Also, Massengill said he was optimistic that MDOT would be ableto assist with an interchange lighting project at the I-55 andBrookway Boulevard intersection. Brown expressed support for theproject during his Friday visit.