Aldermen OK bid to repave 2 roads
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, September 22, 2004
MONTICELLO – Graham Avenue and Hollis Street will receiveattention soon, after the Board of Aldermen approved a paving bidTuesday night.
A new bridge on Graham Avenue has been completed and the road isready for paving, Mayor David Nichols told the board.
The projects will cost the town a total of $5,200 plus materialsunder the approved bid. Nichols estimated the projects wouldrequire approximately 45 tons of hot mix at a cost of $31.25 perton, bringing the total cost of the paving projects to$6,606.25.
District Two Alderman Steve Moreman asked whether moresubstantial repairs could be made to Graham Avenue, which iscontinually plagued by potholes.
According to Nichols, Graham Avenue was built by city crewsusing a backhoe and more substantial repairs would requirerebuilding the road.
“The base of that road is not proper,” he said. “To fully repairthat road, you’re looking at tearing it out completely andrebuilding it.”
Nichols’ comment ended the discussion on Graham Avenuerepairs.
In other matters, Nichols informed the board that a proposedland swap between the city and county was still stalled bypaperwork.
Under the agreement, the town would receive the Lawrence CountySportsplex in exchange for the old police department on BroadStreet. The city would also kick in half the materials for a newroof on the building.
“Hopefully, according to Malcolm (Rogers, county attorney),we’ll have that at the next meeting,” Nichols said.