‘Cool Kids’ are ready to serve

Published 5:00 am Thursday, September 30, 2004

Service with a smile is the promise when the students atBrookhaven Elementary School kick off Cool Kids Cafe onTuesday.

The fund-raiser for Blair E. Batson Children’s Hospital inJackson began nearly a decade ago and has continued to earnlighthearted chuckles from the adult diners as the school’sthird-graders scurry to treat their customers to a memorable diningexperience.

The children raised approximately $1,700 for the hospital duringlast year’s event.

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Students in event organizers Tina Morgan and Beverly AnnWilliams’ third grade classes seat customers, take orders, delivermeals to tables and clean up after their guests.

“It’s a fun event for the children, and they have to use theirlanguage and math skills,” Morgan said.

The food is prepared by volunteers, who are family members ofthe 45 students participating.

Diners can choose from a menu that offers chicken, sandwiches,hamburgers or hot dogs and are seated in a shaded area.

“We’re under tents at the front of the campus,” Morgan said.

Seating is limited, she said, so interested diners are urged tocall the school in advance at (601) 833-3139 to reserve a place atthe 11 a.m. or 11:45 a.m. seatings. Cool Kids Cafe will be open forbusiness Tuesday through Friday.

“We’re beginning to book up, but we still have room for peopleto reserve their seats,” Morgan said.

To further increase their fund-raising, students will operate astore at the cafe featuring small pumpkins hand-painted by studentsat Brookhaven High School.