Sampson has speed, strength for football
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Darnell Sampson has accomplished a lot as a freshmen tailbackfor the West Lincoln Bears.
West Lincoln, under first-year head coach Brooks Burns, endedits 10-game losing streak last Thursday with a 20-8 Region 4-1A winover the Dexter Bulldogs at Perry Miller Field.
Sampson had an outstanding night for the Bears. He rushed thefootball 29 times for 210 yards and scored all three West Lincolntouchdowns. He also intercepted a Dexter pass while playing safetyon defense.
For his accomplishments, Sampson has been named The DAILYLEADER’s Offensive Player of the Week for the eighth week of the2004 season.
“It feels good,” smiled Sampson when told of the honor. “I’dlike to thank the whole team, especially the offensive line and thecoaching staff.”
Sampson (5-10, 195) runs a 40-yard dash in 4.85.
“Darnell has good leg strength,” said Coach Burns. “He’s a realgood downhill runner. Our offense out of the I-formation utilizesthat. He runs through arm tackles pretty well.
“Once Darnell gets through the hole, he has good speed,”continued Coach Burns. “He had an 83-yard run Thursday and didn’tget caught from behind. He had an 80-yard run against Mt.Olive.”
When asked what was the key to beating Dexter, Sampson replied,”The offensive and defensive lines.”
Sampson said he scored his three touchdowns on the Power I Right24 Double E play.
“I run behind my blockers,” explained Sampson. His blockers arefullback Casey Roberts and powerback Aaron McCaffery. It is alsoSampson’s favorite running play.
“We have a lot of seniors on our offensive line who do a goodjob,” said Coach Burns.
Working in the trenches for the Bears are Cody Warren at center,Philip Jarancik at right and guard Mark. E. Smith at right tackle.Patrick Smith and Alton Hart share time at left guard and KyleLofton is the left tackle. Sidelined with an injury in recent weekswas Adam Case who works at guard. The tight end is DanielLofton.
“Darnell has come a long way,” said Burns. ” In these last fourgames, he hasn’t hardly come off the field.”
Coach Burns moved Sampson to safety position against Dexter. Heusually plays linebacker.
“He calls our signals on defense,” stated Coach Burns. “He’s atschool every day and and practices every day. He has a greatattitude.”
Sampson explained about his intercepted pass. “I caught it offthe tip,” said Sampson who returned it 22 yards and helped kill theDexter momentum.
“All of our kids have come a long way,” added Coach Burns.
Sampson has accepted his starting role on the team, even thoughhe is just a freshman. “Sometimes, I feel the pressure,” statedSampson. “I just try to do my best.”
Sampson says he has enjoyed playing for Coach Burns. “He is agood coach.”
Sampson and the Bears face a road game at Stringer Friday nightin another Region 4-1A test. “We have to come out with our heads inthe game. We have to eliminate the mistakes. And play like we didlast Thursday.”
Sampson’s parents are Larry and Faye Sampson. He has an oldersister, Ika, age 21, and a younger sister Danyelle, age 14.
Besides football, Sampson plays basketball and baseball. Heplays post in basketball and center field and third base inbaseball.
In school, his favorite subject is math.
Sampson likes the Florida State Seminoles in the collegefootball ranks. In the NFL, Sampson likes the Tennessee Titans andhis favorite player is running back Eddie George.
“I’d like to thank everybody that has made it possible for mebeing Player of the Week,” added Sampson. “I thank God, Withouthim, I wouldn’t have made it.”