Supervisor’s wife at home recovering after wreck

Published 6:00 am Tuesday, November 2, 2004

Karen Williamson is home recovering from injuries she sustainedin an accident Oct. 29, said her husband, District Three SupervisorNolan Earl Williamson.

The supervisor said his wife was in a lot of pain but remainedin good spirits.

Karen Williamson is wearing a “tortoise shell” that keeps herimmobilized from the waist to the shoulders to facilitate betterhealing on her back, he said.

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Karen Williamson is recovering from three broken vertebrae, abroken sternum and a bad laceration on her head.

“She still has a long road to take before she’s fully healed,but she’s doing well,” Nolan Earl Williamson said.

Nolan Earl Williamson, who suffered bad cuts on his left arm andright hand in the accident, gave the update while attending theboard of supervisors meeting Monday.

It was his back, however, that was causing him the most pain, hesaid. The supervisor’s back has been sore for some time, and theaccident aggravated the injury.

The supervisor said he was preparing to pass a car stopped inhis lane on Highway 583 and it turned in front of him. When heveered to go around the vehicle on the right, his tires slipped inthe grass and he slid into a ditch. He said he couldn’t recallexactly what happened after that.

A grandson who was also in the vehicle was not injured.