Hometown Christmas winner takes $100
Published 6:00 am Thursday, November 11, 2004
“I’m excited. I can’t believe I actually won something,” saidTrista Russell, the year’s first winner in the The DAILY LEADER’sHometown Christmas holiday promotion.
Russell’s name was drawn as the recipient of $100 in HometownBucks. Weekly $100 winners will be selected each Friday until Dec.12, when the grand prize winner of $500 in Hometown Bucks will bedrawn.
Shoppers may enter to win at any of several participating localmerchants. Russell, of Brookhaven, entered the contest atEngravables.
Russell said she was not sure where she would spend herwinnings. However, she has made plans for what she will get.
“I’m trying to get through with my Christmas presents early,”Russell said, adding that she felt fortunate and blessed to havewon.
Russell also mentioned a way to make the $100 last a littlelonger.
“It comes in tens, I can spread it out more,” she said.
This year’s participating businesses include Betty Ann’s;Brookhaven Sports; Engravables; Expectations; Millane’s Gifts andBridal Registry; Rushing Boots; Sister’s By Design; Smith Bros.Collision Center and Truck Accessories; T.H. Perkins Furniture Co.;and Wizard Electronics
Forms and boxes are on display at each merchant location forshoppers to submit entries. Shoppers may also register at Bank ofBrookhaven, State Bank and Trustmark National Bank.
Shoppers may enter as many times as they would like.
DAILY LEADER employees and their families are not eligible towin. Employees of participating merchants may not register at theirrespective business, but they may register at any of the otherparticipating merchants.