$500,000 grant may help replace city sewer lines
Published 6:00 am Monday, November 22, 2004
The city of Brookhaven is line to receive $500,000 for wastewater system improvements under a bill approved by the U.S.Senate.
The funding was part of more than $100 million allocated to thestate through the 2005 Omnibus Appropriations bill. The bill nowgoes to the president.
“We’re probably going to be using that for replacement of sewerlines,” said City Engineer Carl Ray Furr.
Furr said where the money will be spent has not beendetermined.
“It can be used for anything with waste water,” Furr said.”We’ve got to evaluate to see what to do with that money.”
The funding was earmarked for industrial park waste waterinfrastructure.
Furr said that could mean replacement of sewer lines or upgradesto the city’s waste water treatment plant to accommodate a newindustrial park. City, county, and chamber of commerce officialsare pursuing development of a new industrial park west ofBrookhaven.
The federal funding must be matched with 45 percent local money,Furr said. He said the local money will come from a portion of abond issue approved several years ago in conjunction with a newindustry that located here.
“We’ve already got the money,” Furr said. “We don’t have to doanything else to get that.”
In a release announcing the funding, U.S. Sen. Trent Lott saidMississippi’s interests were well-represented in the bill.
“Most of these items have a direct impact on our education andtransportation systems, which can lead to better job retention andjob creation throughout our state,” Lott said. “These initiativeswill help Mississippi in our ongoing efforts to create a neweconomy with more opportunities available to our citizens.”