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Deer season extended

Ticket sales brisk ahead of state title game

Published 6:00 am Friday, December 3, 2004

Ticket sales for the Class 4A Football Championship Game arebooming at Brookhaven High School and the central office.

BHS Principal Susan Chapman said 999 tickets had been sold by3:30 p.m. Thursday. Another 150 tickets were sold at the centraloffice.

By 9:15 a.m. today, 1,100 tickets had sold at the high schooland 157 at the central office, for a total of 1,257.

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The school will keep 50 percent of the local ticket sales, whichwill go into the school’s athletic budget. Tickets are $9 at theschool and will be $10 at the gate.

“Tickets will be on sale until 4 p.m. today or until the 2,000thticket has been sold,” Chapman said.

The BHS Panthers, coached by Tucker Peavy, will play theClarksdale Wildcats on Saturday for the state Class 4Achampionship. Kickoff is scheduled for 8 p.m. at MississippiVeterans Memorial Stadium in Jackson.

The Panthers will be the visiting team. Panther fans should siton the north side of the stadium, which is directly across from thepress box.

Caravans of fans are expected to make the hour-long trip northSaturday afternoon. Between 10,000 and 15,000 Panther and Wildcatfans are anticipated to attend the championship game.

As added entertainment, the BHS All Superior Marching Band willperform at halftime under the direction of Zachary Harris. ShawFurlow, Co-Lin’s Director of Bands, will be guest commentator athalftime.

Panther fans who can’t make the trek to Jackson may watch thetelevised Capital Gridiron Classic MHSAA State FootballChampionships 2004 and the halftime entertainment on MississippiPublic Television (broadcast channel 29, CableOne channel 4). Thegame also will be aired on local radio station Q102.1 FM beginningan hour before kickoff.