Slip of tongue stirs emotion
Published 6:00 am Thursday, December 23, 2004
A slip of the tongue by Gov. Haley Barbour during send-offceremonies for the National Guard’s 155th on Wednesday has stirredthe anger of several individuals and prompted a request for anapology from the state’s commander in chief.
During his remarks at Camp Shelby, the governor mistakenlycalled the unit the 150th on two occasions, according to severalangry callers to The DAILY LEADER newsroom Thursday afternoon.
Callers were upset because a story about the ceremonies did notcontain the misstatement. Associated Press coverage of the eventsalso did not report the misstatement.
“Everyone makes a mistake, but with young men going off to warthey deserve more than a mistake by a politician,” Mrs. JackBarrett said Thursday. “I don’t know why I am so upset over this;it is just not right for you in the media not to report thetruth.”
Barrett has a nephew who is part of the 155th and a son who is astaff sergeant stationed at Camp Shelby participating in thetraining of the local unit.
“The governor should apologize for not knowing the difference,”Barrett said. “He owes an apology to the members of the 155th, theofficers and the families of those troops.”