6 arrested after scuffle in parking lot
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Six people, including two who were injured, were arrestedSaturday after an altercation in a Brookhaven parking lot, PoliceChief Pap Henderson said.
Henderson said an asphalt company had paved a parking area onWest Court Street on Friday and returned late Saturday morning toseal the work. The chief said driver Terry Brown, 34, of 900Williams St., Apt 73, was twice asked to move his vehicle.
“From there, an altercation took place, and then we had a fightbreak out,” Henderson said.
Asphalt company employees and Brown’s wife were among thosearrested by police responding to the incident.
Terry Brown and Adam Cooper Jr., 19, of 1800 E. Spruce Ave.,Mitchell, S.D. were injured in the altercation. The men, both ofwhom were arrested, were taken to King’s Daughters Medical Center,where they were treated and released, Henderson said.
Others arrested and charged with misdemeanor disturbing thepeace by fighting included:
* Adam Cooper, DOB: 7-31-1953, of 3206 Hoggan Dr., Memphis.
* Jimmy Joshua Harrison, DOB: 9-27-1983, of Rt. 2, Box 282,Spiro, Okla.
* Jackie Scott Young, DOB: 9-26-1979, of 3166 Hoggan Dr.,Memphis.
* Felicia M. Brown, DOB: 6-11-1973, of 900 Williams St.
All who were arrested were released after paying a cashbond.
“It was unfortunate this happened over there,” Henderson said.”It caused a commotion over there, and we did what we had todo.”