Moak stands up for cigarette tax
Published 6:00 am Thursday, February 10, 2005
Dear Editor,
On behalf of Communities for a Clean Bill of Health, a coalitiondedicated to increasing the state’s cigarette tax, I want toexpress our appreciation to Representative Bobby Moak of LincolnCounty for his vote that led to the passage of an increase in theHouse of Representatives.
Moak, along with the other members of the House who voted toimpose an increase on tobacco products, took a strong stand inhelping move Mississippi toward a new level as a healthier place inwhich for all of us to live. As a result of the passage of thislegislation, the House of Representatives has recognized the impactthat an increase of this sort will have on the health ofMississippi’s citizens, and particularly on the children who willnever start to smoke as a result of this action.
These courageous public servants resisted the appeals not tovote for the tax and voted for what they felt was best for thestate.
The Mississippi House of Representatives has spoken clearly,voting to impose a tax that would help reduce current and futureincidences of smoke-related health care problems. We commendRepresentative Bobby Moak and urge your readers to thank him forhis courageous vote. We also ask them to contact their senator andwork for the ultimate passage of the tobacco tax increase.
Kimberly Hughes, Chairman
Communities for a Clean Bill of Health
and Mississippi Government RelationsDirector,
The American Cancer Society