Election qualifying deadline nears

Published 6:00 am Monday, February 28, 2005

The qualification of a candidate in Ward Three has givenMonticello at least one candidate in each race for the town’s June7 municipal election.

The deadline for candidates to qualify for municipal electionsis less than a week away. Candidates must qualify for the electionby 5 p.m. Friday.

Municipal elections in Monticello and Wesson are nonpartisan,while Brookhaven will hold party primaries May 3, prior to thegeneral election.

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James Wilson qualified in Monticello’s Ward Three, where he willtry to replace incumbent Alderman George Magee, who has announcedhe will not seek re-election, said Debbie Lea, Monticello deputycity clerk.

Magee is one of several alderman not seeking re-election. WardFour Alderman Dick Reeves and Ward Five Alderman Pete Mathews arealso not seeking re-election.

Ward One Alderman Jerry Goode has not announced his intentions,but Lea said Goode has not picked up his qualifying papers.

Incumbent Ward Two Alderman Steve Moreman and incumbent MayorDavid Nichols have qualified. Neither incumbent is opposed.

The only Monticello municipal race in contention is Ward Five,with Craig “Bowie” Davis and Tony Norwood qualified to campaign forthe office.

In Wesson, City Clerk Linda Dykes said there were no newqualifiers in the last week. Wesson has at least one candidate foreach city office.

Incumbent Mayor Alton Shaw, Ward Two Alderman John Welter andWard Three Alderman Lura Greer are unopposed.