Banquet salutes BHS state football champs
Published 6:00 am Friday, March 4, 2005
Quarterback Jimmy Johns was recognized as the Most ValuablePlayer on Brookhaven’s 2004 Class 4A state championship team atThursday night’s football banquet. Johns accounted for over 7,000yards total offense and 85 touchdowns during his career, leadingthe Ole Book Panthers to a 14-1 record his senior year.
Tucker Peavey, Ole Brook head coach and athletic directorcommended the team for their accomplishments. All 59 varsityplayers were presented MHSAA certificates and state championshipemblems to be worn on their letterman’s jacket.
“What a ride,” said Peavey, during his closing remarks. “It’sthe ultimate goal of a high school coach to win a statechampionship.”
Peavey praised the contributions made by the 19 seniors. Theycompiled a 30-9 record during their varsity careers.
“The last two years, I’ve had to stand up here and say we gotbeat by the state champions,” said Peavey. “Now we have five(playoff) teams saying the same thing about us.”
Peavey’s remark drew a loud roar, plus a round of applause fromthe large crowd gathered at the Brookhaven/Lincoln County Multi-UseFacility. They enjoyed a catered dinner provided by BowieSmokehouse. Deserts were furnished by the parents of the players. Ahighlight film of the season was played on a large screen behindthe head table.
“I want to thank all the people who made our Friday nightssuccessful,” said Peavey. “Our school administration, parents,press box crew and my coaches’ wives all had a hand in thischampionship season.”
Peavey commended the work of Gridiron Club president KeithGatlin and his wife Stephanie. He recognized John Bridges for his43 years of volunteer service with the BHS football team andpresented him with a letterman’s jacket.
“I also want to thank our medical team for taking care of us,”said Peavey. “We have the best group of doctors around, be it thehigh school or college level.”
Peavey also expressed thanks to the cheerleaders for theirspirited support during the season. “You put a lot of spirit in thestudent body.”
Cheerleader sponsors Amy Spring and Jerralyn Johnson recognizedthe cheerleader squad and presented them with gifts. Seven membersare seniors.
King Field public address announcer Stan Patrick served asmaster of ceremony for the event. He praised the Panthers for theiraccomplishments. He also recognized the 2004 cheerleading squadthat brought home a championship from the state and nationalcompetition.
Peavey said that the football team’s championship rings would beready in April. They were purchased with private funds, at no costto the school system.
The team received a standing ovation after they were introduced.Peavey recognized Johns, Jessie Bowman, Darius Perkins, TylerGatlin and Ronnie McNulty as permanent team captains.
Individual awards went to Ladarius Williams, Scholastic Award;Aaron Moore and Tyler Gatlin, the Therrell-Tanner Award; GrantMcDonnieal, Best Offensive Lineman; Anthony Caffie and DariusPerkins, Best Defensive Back; Bud Chatman and Ronnie McNulty, BestOffensive Back; and Jessie Bowman, Best Defensive Lineman.
Peavey challenged the underclassmen to continue the championshiptradition. “You underclassmen have a big responsibility. You haveseen it done. You know what you have to do.”
Ole Brook team chaplain, the Rev. Mike Brister of First BaptistChurch, provided the opening invocation. He also praised thePanthers for their accomplishments and contributions to thecommunity.
FCA president Ty McKee closed the program with thebenediction.